NVIDIA® CUDA Profiler Tools Interface (CUPTI) is now available for download in the NVIDIA Registered Developer Program

The NVIDIA® CUDA Profiler Tools Interface (CUPTI) is a dynamic library that enables the creation of profiling and tracing tools that target CUDA applications. CUPTI provides a set of four APIs targeted at ISVs creating profilers and other performance optimization tools:

  • the Activity API
  • the Callback API
  • the Event API, and
  • the Metric API.

Using these CUPTI APIs, independent software developers can create profiling tools that give insight into the CPU and GPU behavior of CUDA applications.
While CUPTI has been shipped in the CUDA Toolkit, this initial independent release of CUPTI available on the web page supports the following:

  • A new set of metric APIs for compute capability 7.0 (Volta) and 7.5 (Turing). These provide low and deterministic profiling overhead on the target system.
  • Linux x86_64 and Windows x86_64
  • For a complete overview of all CUPTI features, requirements and access to the download, please visit the
    CUPTI overview page: https://developer.nvidia.com/cupti.