Nvidia driver crashes when compiling nested subroutines


I have a question regarding GLSL and the composition of subroutines. What I mean by the composition is something like:

subroutine float ComputeShadow(vec3 pos, ...);
subroutine float ExtractDepth(sampler2d depthmap ...);

subroutine uniform ComputeShadow u_CurrentShadowStrategy;
subroutine uniform ExtractDepth u_CurrentExtractDepth;

float SoftShadowAlgorithm(vec3 pos ..)
  float depth = u_CurrentExtractDepth( ...);

void main()
  float shadow = u_CurrentShadowStrategy( ..);

Current drivers simply crash given this piece of code when linking program for the fragment stage. The specification doesn’t mention this usage and but this use-case makes sense to me. Can anybody give me an advice, whether it is bug in the driver, or whether I use subroutines in a wrong way?

I am developing on a Linux platform, the driver version is 331.20