Nvidia Jetson Nano headless mode not working

The Nvidia Jetson Nano had its initial setup as expected with a monitor, and everything works as expected. When I attempt to run it as a device though, on a micro usb to usbc that goes to my host MacBook, it simply isn’t picked up in the terminal with the command ‘ls /dev/cu.usbmodem*’, it returns ‘ls: /dev/cu.usbmodem*: No such file or directory’. I have tried other similar commands, yet nothing works. The mac is running macOS Catalina which I have heard can be an issue for many things. Any suggestions?

Sorry, we don’t have a test for usb device mode on Macbook.
Other mac users here may share their experience.

Please be sure to connect Jetson Nano with your Mac before plug the power cable, then bot it up, you can refer to INSTRUCTIONS FOR MACOS at