Hi, I have a question, Nvidia PhysX drivers will be available on Linux ?
Hi, I have a question, Nvidia PhysX drivers will be available on Linux ?
Currently the Linux port of PhysX uses only the CPU. We are working on a port of the GPU-PhysX to Linux, but because of the wide variety of Linux distributions we still have a lot of work and testing to do.
One other question, what do you intend to do with GPU-PhysX on Linux?
Mike, thank You very much for answer, I ask because i have buy better hardware and I want install Linux.
I don’t play often, but it was worth it to have a PhysX natively.
Big bump here but when can we expect GPU Physx in linux? Is there any update in this effort? Games are finally coming out for linux that can utilize those capabilities (such as Metro Last Light) and are going to become more common leading up to the SteamOS/Box release.
Fully agree, finally and linux can feel cold fresh winter breeze with full lungs … but for that we need same quality driver like windows have etc …
Check this video out!!!
→ www.youtube.com/watch?v=i2hrQ1JG9jU
Yes, I totally agree. The Windows version of Metro Last Light looks light years better than the Linux version. It would be nice to see if this game could get up to speed with how the Windows version looks and to push some power out of our cards…