nvidia-smi not fully supported on GTX 1060

the same there
palit 1060, cannot control clock, memory from nvidia-smi

Can control from nvidia-settings (req. XWindow… - not good for server)

Nvidia Pls… :) Lot of rings waiting for it :-)

Similar problem.
Geforce 750Ti, driver version 387.12.
Using nvidia-smi -q -d SUPPORTED_CLOCKS command, I got the supported clocks. But when I wanted to control the clock using nvidia-smi -i 0 -acp xxx,xxx, it showed the following info:
--------[Provided [-acp | --applications-clocks-permission=] value is not a valid or is out of range: xxx,xxx.]
Again, when I tried to use NVML to control the clocks, it worked.
I am confused about this. Nvidia-smi is also based on NVML, isn’t it?