Nvmassflashgen cloned partition won't boot on other units

README found

Here I basically find the steps I used to execute many times

Building the Massflash Blob with ONLINE method
   Building the massflash blob with ONLINE method requires:
   - Set up a X86 Linux host as the ``signing host'' in safe location.
     See ``L4T_quick_start_guide.txt'' for detailed host setup.
   - If and only if secureboot is required, take extra steps:
     See ``Installing the L4T Secureboot Package'' in README_secureboot.txt
     to install secureboot package.
     See ``Generating the RSA Key Pair'' in README_secureboot.txt
     to generate the RSA Key-pair.
     See ``Preparing the DK(KEK)/SBK/ODM Fuses'' in README_secureboot.txt
     to prepare the DK(KEK)/SBK/ODM keys.

   To generate the massflash blob with ONLINE method:

   - Enter the command `cd Linux_for_Tegra`.
   - connect one target Jetson device, and put it into RCM mode.
   - sudo ./nvmassflashgen.sh [<secureboot options>] <device name> mmcblk0p1
     See ``Signing and Flashing Boot Files in two steps'' in
     README_secureboot.txt for details of <secureboot options>.

   Examples for ONLINE massflash blob generation method:
     To generate clear massflash blob:
       sudo ./nvmassflashgen.sh <device name> mmcblk0p1

The outcome were non functining. In a way it would generate the MFI. It would flash it , But it wouldn;t boot. I was explained that execution of these steps above doesn’t load anything from the Jetson but takes only inputs from the Host PC folder.
Should these steps work for random custom carrier board with production module also with customized OS? In which way is it supported? The blob gets system.img generated from reference files on Host PCm it doesn’t load any information from connected Jetson unit in recovery mode? Or otherwise?
I will try to supply logs [which exactly log file needs to be attached?] which commands you would like me to use to capture the log?

Please stop asking more questions. Just reply mine first…

What would happen if you just generate MFI with below command and do the mass flash? Flash fail? boot fail? Missing the driver you need?

flash doesn’t fail.
boot fails.
units do not have serial debug port for more detailed diagnostic in that respect

If you use the MFI provided by the vendor, will it boot up?

yes, it does boot up with MFI provided by the vendor
but the goal is to make MFI package from running system that has some customizations provided by the next in the supply chain vendor[ it was until now implemented by flashing APP partition from customized unit]

I think the fastest way to clarify this issue is contact the vendor of the custom board and ask what did they do in their custom MFI package.

Without uart log, there is nothing I can analyze.