NVMe on PCIE0 in x2 configuration?


The Jetson Orin Design Guide tells me the following:

Secondary storage needs to be provided through NVMe using PCIe. Support is available for the following configurations.

  • PCIE0, x4 (Orin UPHY0 Lanes [7:4]), C4
  • PCIE2, x2 (Orin UPHY1 Lanes 1:0]), C7
  • PCIE2, x1 (Orin UPHY1 L0), C7
  • PCIE3, x1 (Orin UPHY1 L1), C9

Is it possible to connect de NVMe Storage to PCIE0 in a x2 configuration?



It could only be a x4 configuration. But a x2 device could work on x4 configuration too.

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