Nvml error: driver/library version mismatch: unknown on ORIN NX

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May I confirm that if you are running TAO in Orin NX?
If yes, it is not expected to run TAO docker in Jetson devices.
Currently, only x86 platform is expected to run the TAO docker.
Similar topic can be found in Error in Create the tfrecords using the bpnet dataset_convert tool - #9 by Morganh.

The TAO docker cannot support running on arm-based devices yet.

Since Jetson devices are arm based, so the tao docker in TAO Toolkit | NVIDIA NGC do not support running on them.

But for deployment, users can run in any devices. In Jetson devices, you can generate engine and run inference with it. More can be found in TAO Deploy Installation - NVIDIA Docs,
GitHub - NVIDIA/tao_deploy: Package for deploying deep learning models from TAO Toolkit and Tao-deploy on Orin AGX CLI Error - #14.