NVOPENCC Status 3 Error

When I try to compile my project, the compiler produces these errors:

1>Signal: caught in VHO Processing phase.

1><input>(0): Error: Signal caught in phase VHO Processing -- processing aborted

1>nvopencc ERROR: C:\CUDA\bin/../open64/lib//be.exe returned non-zero status 3

Here is my command line:

nvcc.exe -ccbin "$(VCInstallDir)bin" -c [Defines] -Xcompiler "/EHsc [Warning] /nologo /Wp64 [Optimization] /Zi [RuntimeChecks] [Runtime] [TypeInfo]" [Include] -o $(ConfigurationName)\$(InputName).obj $(InputFileName)

Here is the page that produces the error:



#include <cutil.h>

#include <cstdlib>

#include <cstdio>

#include <string.h>

#include <math.h>

#include "Vector.cu"

#include "Ray.cu"

#include "Camera.cu"

#include "Scene.cu"

#include "ISect.cu"

#include "Light.cu"

#include "Surface.cu"

#include "Sphere.cu"

#include "Plane.cu"

#include "SceneObject.cu"

__device__ float* Shade(ISect isect, Scene* scene, int depth, int MaxDepth);

__host__ Scene*



	SceneObject things[] = 


	Sphere( Vector(-0.5, 1, 1.5), 0.5, new MatteShinySurface ),

	Sphere( Vector(0, 1, -0.25), 0.5, new ShinySurface ),

	Plane( Vector(0, 1, 0), 0, new CheckerboardSurface )



	float* color1 = new float[3];

	color1[0] = 0.5; color1[1] = 0.45; color1[2] = 0.41;

	float* color2 = new float[3];

	color2[0] = 0.99; color2[1] = 0.95; color2[2] = 0.8;


	Light lights[] =


	Light(Vector(-2, 2.5, 0), color1),

	Light(Vector(2, 4.5, 2), color2)



	Camera* cam = Camera::Create(Vector(2.75, 2, 3.75), Vector(-0.6, 0.5, 0));


	return new Scene(things, lights, cam);


__device__ ISect

MinIntersection(Ray ray, Scene* scene)


	ISect min = ISect();

	for(int i = 0; i < sizeof(scene->Things); i++)


  ISect isect;

  scene->Things[i].Intersect(ray, isect);



  	if(ISect::IsNull(min) || min.Dist > isect.Dist)


    min = isect;




	return min;


__device__ float RecenterX(float x, int width)


	return (x - (width / 2.f)) / (2.f * width);


__device__ float RecenterY(float y, int height)


	return (y - (height / 2.f)) / (2.f * height);


__device__ Vector 

GetPoint(float x, float y, Camera* cam, int width, int height)


	return Vector::Norm(Vector::Plus(cam->Forward, Vector::Plus(Vector::Times(RecenterX(x, width), cam->Right), 

                Vector::Times(RecenterY(y, height), cam->Up))));


__device__ float

TestRay(Ray ray, Scene* scene)


	ISect isect = MinIntersection(ray, scene);


  return 0;


	return isect.Dist;


__device__ float*

GetNaturalColor(SceneObject* thing, Vector pos, Vector norm, Vector rd, Scene* scene)


	float* ret = new float[3];

	ret[0] = 0;

	ret[1] = 0;

	ret[2] = 0;

	for(int i = 0; i < sizeof(scene->Lights); i++)


  Light light = scene->Lights[i];

  Vector ldis = Vector::Minus(light.Pos, pos);

  Vector livec = Vector::Norm(ldis);

  Ray ray = Ray(pos, livec);

  float neatIsect = TestRay(ray, scene);

  bool isInShadow = !((neatIsect > Vector::Mag(ldis)) || (neatIsect == 0));



  	float illum = Vector::Dot(livec, norm);


  	float* lcolor = new float[3];

  	if(illum > 0) { lcolor[0] = illum * light.Color[0]; lcolor[1] = illum * light.Color[1]; lcolor[2] = illum * light.Color[2]; }

  	else { lcolor[0] = 0; lcolor[1] = 0; lcolor[2] = 0; }


  	float specular = Vector::Dot(livec, Vector::Norm(rd));


  	float* scolor = new float[3];

  	if(specular > 0) { scolor[0] = pow(specular, thing->_Surface->Roughness) * light.Color[0];

          scolor[1] = pow(specular, thing->_Surface->Roughness) * light.Color[2];

          scolor[2] = pow(specular, thing->_Surface->Roughness) * light.Color[2]; }

  	else { scolor[0] = 0; scolor[1] = 0; scolor[2] = 0; }


  	float* c1 = new float[3];

  	c1[0] = thing->_Surface->Diffuse(pos)[0] * lcolor[0];

  	c1[1] = thing->_Surface->Diffuse(pos)[1] * lcolor[1];

  	c1[2] = thing->_Surface->Diffuse(pos)[2] * lcolor[2];


  	float* c2 = new float[3];

  	c2[0] = thing->_Surface->Specular(pos)[0] * scolor[0];

  	c2[1] = thing->_Surface->Specular(pos)[1] * scolor[1];

  	c2[2] = thing->_Surface->Specular(pos)[2] * scolor[2];


  	float* c3 = new float[3];

  	c3[0] = c1[0] + c2[0];

  	c3[1] = c1[1] + c2[1];

  	c3[2] = c1[2] + c2[2];


  	float* retCopy = ret;

  	retCopy[0] = ret[0] + c3[0];

  	retCopy[1] = ret[1] + c3[1];

  	retCopy[2] = ret[2] + c3[2];


  	ret = retCopy;



	return ret;


__device__ float*

_TraceRay(Ray ray, Scene* scene, int depth, int MaxDepth)


	float* n = new float[3];

	ISect isect = MinIntersection(ray, scene);



  n[0] = 0;

  n[1] = 0;

  n[2] = 0;

  return n;


	return Shade(isect, scene, depth, MaxDepth);


__device__ float*

GetReflectionColor(int MaxDepth, SceneObject* thing, Vector pos, Vector norm, Vector rd, Scene* scene, int depth)


	float* n = new float[3];

	Ray r = Ray(pos, rd);

	n[0] = thing->_Surface->Reflect(pos) * _TraceRay(r, scene, depth + 1, MaxDepth)[0];

	n[1] = thing->_Surface->Reflect(pos) * _TraceRay(r, scene, depth + 1, MaxDepth)[1];

	n[2] = thing->_Surface->Reflect(pos) * _TraceRay(r, scene, depth + 1, MaxDepth)[2];


	return n;


__device__ float*

Shade(ISect isect, Scene* scene, int depth, int MaxDepth)


	Vector d = isect._Ray.Dir;

	Vector pos = Vector::Plus(Vector::Times(isect.Dist, isect._Ray.Dir), isect._Ray.Start);

	Vector normal = isect.Thing->Normal(pos);

	Vector reflectDir = Vector::Minus(d, Vector::Times(2 * Vector::Dot(normal, d), normal));

	float* ret = new float[3];

	ret[0] = 0;

	ret[1] = 0;

	ret[2] = 0;

	float* nat = GetNaturalColor(isect.Thing, pos, normal, reflectDir, scene);

	float* retCopy = ret;

	ret[0] = nat[0] + retCopy[0];

	ret[1] = nat[1] + retCopy[1];

	ret[2] = nat[2] + retCopy[2];

	if(depth >= MaxDepth)


  float* n = new float[3];

  n[0] = ret[0] + 0.5;

  n[1] = ret[1] + 0.5;

  n[2] = ret[2] + 0.5;

  return n;



	float* q = new float[3];

	q[0] = ret[0] + GetReflectionColor(MaxDepth, isect.Thing, Vector::Plus(pos, Vector::Times(0.001, reflectDir)), normal, reflectDir, scene, depth)[0];

	q[1] = ret[1] + GetReflectionColor(MaxDepth, isect.Thing, Vector::Plus(pos, Vector::Times(0.001, reflectDir)), normal, reflectDir, scene, depth)[1];

	q[2] = ret[2] + GetReflectionColor(MaxDepth, isect.Thing, Vector::Plus(pos, Vector::Times(0.001, reflectDir)), normal, reflectDir, scene, depth)[2];

	return q;


__global__ void

TraceRay(Camera* cam, Scene* scene, float* color, int width, int height, int depth, int MaxDepth)


	// TODO: calculate x, y values with corresponding thread ids

	Ray ray = Ray(cam->Pos, GetPoint(2, 2, cam, width, height));

	ISect isect = MinIntersection(ray, scene);  



  color[0] = 0;

  color[1] = 0;

  color[2] = 0;




  float* c = Shade(isect, scene, depth, MaxDepth);

  color[0] = c[0];

  color[1] = c[1];

  color[2] = c[2];




Any ideas as to what causes this error?