NvSciBufObjGetPixels - is it returning a view or copying?

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It is not clear to me from the documentation if NvSciBufObjGetPixels is copying pixels or just returning a view. This snippet from sample code (CFileWriter.hpp) would imply it is doing an actual copy:

            if (m_pBuff == nullptr) {
                m_pBuff = new (std::nothrow) uint8_t[imageSize];
                if (m_pBuff == nullptr) {
                    LOG_ERR("Out of memory\n");
                    return NVSIPL_STATUS_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
                std::fill(m_pBuff, m_pBuff + imageSize, 0x00);

            uint8_t *buffIter = m_pBuff;
            for (uint32_t i = 0U; i < numSurfaces; i++) {
                pBuff[i] = buffIter;
                buffIter += (uint32_t)(height * yScalePtr[i] * pBuffPitches[i]);

            if ((bufAttrs.needSwCacheCoherency) && (m_isRawOutput)) {
                sciErr = NvSciBufObjFlushCpuCacheRange(bufPtr, 0U, bufAttrs.planePitches[0] * height);
                CHK_NVSCISTATUS_AND_RETURN(sciErr, "NvSciBufObjFlushCpuCacheRange Failed");

            sciErr = NvSciBufObjGetPixels(bufPtr, nullptr, (void **)pBuff, size, pBuffPitches); <------ copy?
            CHK_NVSCISTATUS_AND_RETURN(sciErr, "NvSciBufObjGetPixels Failed");

            for (uint32_t i = 0U; i < numSurfaces; i++) {
                if (fwrite(pBuff[i], size[i], 1U, m_pOutFile) != 1U) {
                    LOG_ERR("File write failed\n");
                    return NVSIPL_STATUS_ERROR;

If it is copying - is there a function that just provides a view?

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It performs a copy operation. What did you mean providing a view?

Maybe view was wrong terminology - it isn’t clear to me how you access pixel data in the bufPtr without the copy. Maybe this function - NvSciBufObjGetCpuPtr() - but I don’t see any examples. The copy here seems like it could be expensive for just writing out a file to disk.

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Please refer to Objects and how is used in the nvmimg_2d sample.

I have seen that as well. It also uses that call:

NvSciBufObjGetPixels(buffer, NULL, px.planePtrs, px.planeSizes, px.planePitches);

What I want to know is can we access buffer directly without having to copy. For example - we have a camera outputting 3848x2174, 12 bit raw (ends up 2 bytes per pixel) - I would expect that buffer size to be 16731104 bytes.

   auto pNvMBuffer = static_cast<INvSIPLClient::INvSIPLNvMBuffer*>(pBuffer);
    NvSciBufObj sciBufObj = pNvMBuffer->GetNvSciBufImage();
    NvSciBufAttrList bufAttrList;
    sciErr = NvSciBufObjGetAttrList(sciBufObj, &bufAttrList);
    checkSciStatus(sciErr, "NvSciBufObjGetAttrList failed");
    sciErr = NvSciBufAttrListGetAttrs(bufAttrList, imgAttrs, sizeof(imgAttrs) / sizeof(imgAttrs[0]));
    checkSciStatus(sciErr, "NvSciBufAttrListGetAttrs failed");
    auto size = *(static_cast<const uint64_t*>(imgAttrs[0].value));
    auto width = *(static_cast<const uint32_t*>(imgAttrs[3].value));
    auto height = *(static_cast<const uint32_t*>(imgAttrs[4].value));

width and height are 3848x2174 as expected, but size is coming out at 17039360.
Now, the pitch is 3904, and the top padding is 6 - 390421802 = 17021440

So - how exactly is the buffer size determined, what potential pieces am I missing, and can we access the buffer without a copy?

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Could you please provide more details on where these values were obtained from? For implementing non-copy access to the buffer, I recommend referring to the “WriteBufferToFile()” function implementation in the “SIPL Camera (nvsipl_camera)” sample application.

The sample app only shows accessing the ICP buffers, ISP0/1/2 all still use NvSciBufObjGetPixels. How can we determine the correct region of memory to read the ISP buffers?

Please create a separate topic for this query, and feel free to link it to the current discussion if necessary.

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