NvVideoEncoder on jetson orin setting failed

jetpack 4.6 on jetson nx && jetpack 5.0.1 on jetson orin.
I used NvVideoEncoder.cpp in jetson_multimedia_api to develop a encoder myself. But I found there is a serail num when I use setBitare
What does that means? And I want to dynamically change bitrate when the encoder is running. What I do is just using this setBitrate and setPeakBitre to change it but nothing else. according to the video I finally encode. It seems this change doesn’t apply. Only the first bitrate when I init the encoder applied. Is there any possible to using dynamic bitrate?

Do you encode to H264, H265 or AV1?

H264. Using the demo in samples 01_video_encode can change the bitrate.

In 01_video_encode sample, there’s demonstration of changing bitrate in runtime. Please set --help and check help function.

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