Obtaining .deb Files for CUDA, cuDNN, TensorRT, VPI, and Vulkan for JetPack 6.0

Hello NVIDIA Developer Community,

I am working on a project that requires the following components for JetPack 6.0:

  • CUDA: 12.2.140
  • cuDNN:
  • TensorRT:
  • VPI: 3.1.5
  • Vulkan: 1.3.204

I need to create an offline installer for these components so that I can install them without relying on external links or commands that might change in the future. To achieve this, I require the .deb files for the above-mentioned versions.

Could you please assist me!

Please use SDKManager to install SDK components once and the deb files shall be in



Thanks for the reply.
I installed the cuda, cudNN and tensorRT deb files (which I got from SDK Manager) in Orin nano devkit using command:
sudo apt install ./<deb_file_name>.
But Still it’s missing.