Older architectures support

I have Titan XP card, which has 12 GB memory. It has Pascal architecture which is NOT in support-matrix list. I followed quick start tutorial with such config.sh (version jarvis_quickstart_v1.2.0-beta):


Jarvis server started successfully:

Waiting for Jarvis server to load all models...retrying in 10 seconds
Jarvis server is ready...

But neither STT nor TTS seems to work. Server produces empty transcription for jarvis_asr_client --audio_file=/work/wav/sample.wav end almost silence wav using jarvis_tts_client

So, any chance to to get it work ? Maybe in future release ?

Hi @mazkooleg

Unfortunately, Jarvis does not work on Pascal architecture GPUs. Volta or later is required to run Jarvis. At this point, there are no plans to add support for Pascal.
