Omni.anim.xform_constraints no longer available for Isaac / Composer

Please do! Make sure to include the replicator.

We have now figure out how to work around the crashes. New issue was observed:

Related issue: Variants on Bones result with rendering of ghosted meshes

import omni
from pxr import UsdGeom, Gf, UsdSkel

def get_stage():
    return omni.usd.get_context().get_stage()

def create_xform_prim(scene_path):
    return UsdGeom.Xform.Define(get_stage(), scene_path).GetPrim()
def find_first_of_type(prim, type):
    if prim.GetTypeName() == type:
        return prim
    for child in prim.GetChildren():
        material = find_first_of_type(child, type)
        if material is not None:
            return material
    return None

def find_joint_index(skeleton, joint_name):
    joints = skeleton.GetJointsAttr().Get()
    for i, name in enumerate(joints):
        if name.endswith(joint_name):
            return i
    return -1

human_prim = get_stage().GetPrimAtPath('/World/biped_demo')

human_mesh = find_first_of_type(human_prim, 'Mesh')
human_skeleton = UsdSkel.Skeleton(find_first_of_type(human_prim, 'Skeleton'))

cellphone_prim = create_xform_prim('/cellphone')
cellphone_mesh = find_first_of_type(cellphone_prim, 'Mesh')

cellphone_xform = Gf.Matrix4f([[1,0,0,0],[0,1,0,0],[0,0,1,0],[-83,136,0,1]])

len_human_mesh_points = len(human_mesh.GetAttribute('points').Get())

cellphone_mesh_points = list(cellphone_mesh.GetAttribute('points').Get())
for i in range(len(cellphone_mesh_points)):
    cellphone_mesh_points[i] = cellphone_xform.Transform(cellphone_mesh_points[i])
human_mesh.GetAttribute('points').Set(list(human_mesh.GetAttribute('points').Get()) + cellphone_mesh_points)

cellphone_mesh_normals = list(cellphone_mesh.GetAttribute('normals').Get())
for i in range(len(cellphone_mesh_normals)):
    cellphone_mesh_normals[i] = cellphone_xform.Transform(cellphone_mesh_normals[i])
human_mesh.GetAttribute('normals').Set(list(human_mesh.GetAttribute('normals').Get()) + cellphone_mesh_normals)

human_mesh.GetAttribute('faceVertexCounts').Set(list(human_mesh.GetAttribute('faceVertexCounts').Get()) + list(cellphone_mesh.GetAttribute('faceVertexCounts').Get()))

cellphone_mesh_faceVertexIndices = list(cellphone_mesh.GetAttribute('faceVertexIndices').Get())
for i in range(len(cellphone_mesh_faceVertexIndices)):
    cellphone_mesh_faceVertexIndices[i] += len_human_mesh_points
human_mesh.GetAttribute('faceVertexIndices').Set(list(human_mesh.GetAttribute('faceVertexIndices').Get()) + cellphone_mesh_faceVertexIndices)

index = find_joint_index(human_skeleton, 'R_Wrist')
len_cellphone_mesh_faceVertexIndices = len(cellphone_mesh.GetAttribute('faceVertexCounts').Get())
element_size = 8
group = [index] + [0] * (element_size - 1)
human_mesh.GetAttribute('primvars:skel:jointIndices').Set(list(human_mesh.GetAttribute('primvars:skel:jointIndices').Get()) + group * len_cellphone_mesh_faceVertexIndices)
group = [1] + [0] * (element_size - 1)
human_mesh.GetAttribute('primvars:skel:jointWeights').Set(list(human_mesh.GetAttribute('primvars:skel:jointWeights').Get()) + group * len_cellphone_mesh_faceVertexIndices)

human_mesh.GetAttribute('primvars:st').Set(list(human_mesh.GetAttribute('primvars:st').Get()) + list(cellphone_mesh.GetAttribute('primvars:st').Get()))

len_human_mesh_st = len(human_mesh.GetAttribute('primvars:st').Get())
cellphone_mesh_st_indices = list(cellphone_mesh.GetAttribute('primvars:st:indices').Get())
human_mesh.GetAttribute('primvars:st:indices').Set(list(human_mesh.GetAttribute('primvars:st:indices').Get()) + cellphone_mesh_st_indices)

rot_z90 = Gf.Quatf(Gf.Rotation(Gf.Vec3d(0, 0, 1), 90).GetQuat())
animation = find_first_of_type(human_skeleton.GetPrim(), 'SkelAnimation')
rotations = animation.GetAttribute('rotations')
_ = rotations.Get()
_[index] = rot_z90 * _[index]

Here is an imperfect solution of attaching a cellphone to a person’s hand. Firstly download the resources we need:
Suppose we want to attach the rock to the person’s right wrist.

  • Drag biped_demo.usd into an empty stage.
  • Update the rock’s path to your local path.
  • Run the code in script editor.
  • Try turn the wrist and you can see the rock follows the wrist.
  • There are some geometry error here; we’ll further try to figure out the cause; hopefully it gives a pointer to how it can be solved.
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I will have a look ASAP

@shangrul , thanks for the reply.

  1. The rock was 100x bigger than the biped so I first had to change the MPU to 0.01 before dragging on the biped. Perhaps you’ve been testing in Composer, not Issaac 4.1?
  2. It renders a polygon bar which seems to follow the wrist, but the rotation and movement of the wrist indeed moves the rock!
  3. Would you be able to help me with a “cleaner” solution? Like a function I could call by providing a path to xform I want to attach and a bone?
  4. What does this “magic” matrix do?
    cellphone_xform = Gf.Matrix4f([[1,0,0,0],[0,1,0,0],[0,0,1,0],[-83,136,0,1]])
  5. Instead of writing such code maybe it will be easier to revive the omni.anim.xform_constraints extension?

This is very close to what I am looking for. Wrapping it up in a function and removing the strange artifact will get me across the finish line.

Ideally attach(path_to_item, path_to_bone). I need it for mobile phones in hands + hats and glasses on heads.

PS. there are a lot of hardcoded magic values that forbid me from implementing this myself, as I simply don’t understand what these magic numbers mean.

The workaround that works is documented here:

I used isaac but will also try in composer - I’ll look into this further; the matrix that you mentioned is used to pose the rock near the hand (skeleton space), you can adjust it to make it fit better too.

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I believe my workaround from the linked post is a better approach. You guys should restore the constraint plugin. Otherwise everyone will have their own implementation and its just a huge waste time for humanity.

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