On typeC OTG connect transmission speed is only 10M/s,how to use USB3.0 device?

Which one is typec device?

which JetPack SW?
Devkit or with custom carrier board?

JetPack Version 5.1.2 Devkit

That system is use Nvidia SDK Manager installed

Does Orin NX run in host mode or device mode?

Hi device mode! connect to PC!

Hi DaneLLL,Do you know best speed increase?I want know!

We suggest use Linux host PC and check if the Orin NX is enumerated to superspeed USB3.0. The maximum through is 5Gbps if the tramsmission is in superspeed.

Hi,Do you mean to use host mode for jetson and device for PC? How to use it? Can you give me use docment link?

We are talking about using any kind of Ubuntu PC as host mode and check this issue but not a Windows PC.

Jetson is still device mode.

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Hey Bro, Respect for you!

If your host PC is Linux, then you can easily check with “lsusb -tv”. There is a number at the end of the device for speed. This will show as a tree all the way back to the root HUB. Beware that even if wiring allows USB3, that if anything in the chain does not work with USB3 speeds (including signal quality), that it reverts to USB2; then the root HUB itself migrates.

In USB2 and older days a single root HUB handled everything and reverted to a slower speed if needed. For USB3 and newer, there is a single root HUB for everything USB3+, and a port will migrate to a new controller that is USB2 or slower if the device to root HUB chain cannnot maintain USB3 speeds (any part that is not USB3 capable reverts to USB2 via a USB2 HUB).

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