One-lane camera sensor bringup errors with csi4_stream_check_status()

We are developing a camera sensor with one-lane. We are unable to run v4l2-ctl successfully with the following command:

v4l2-ctl -d /dev/video0 --set-ctrl bypass_mode=0 --stream-mmap --stream-count=3

dmesg contains the following:

[ 24.664081] tegradc 15210000.nvdisplay: hdmi: pclk:154128K, set prod-setting:prod_c_200M
[ 24.664087] tegradc 15210000.nvdisplay: hdmi: pclk:154128K, set prod-setting:prod_c_300M
[ 143.055509] tegra-vi4 PXL_SOF syncpt timeout! err = -11
[ 144.059429] tegra-vi4 PXL_SOF syncpt timeout! err = -11
[ 145.063488] tegra-vi4 PXL_SOF syncpt timeout! err = -11
[ 146.067565] tegra-vi4 PXL_SOF syncpt timeout! err = -11
[ 147.071699] tegra-vi4 PXL_SOF syncpt timeout! err = -11
[ 148.075842] tegra-vi4 PXL_SOF syncpt timeout! err = -11
[ 149.079866] tegra-vi4 ATOMP_FE syncpt timeout!
[ 149.089642] nvcsi 150c0000.nvcsi: csi4_stream_check_status (0) ERROR_STATUS2VI_VC0 = 0x00000004
[ 149.098554] nvcsi 150c0000.nvcsi: csi4_stream_check_status (0) INTR_STATUS 0x0001000e
[ 149.106468] nvcsi 150c0000.nvcsi: csi4_stream_check_status (0) ERR_INTR_STATUS 0x0001000e

We would like to know what the values for INTR_STATUS, ERROR_STATUS2VI_VC0, and ERR_INTR_STATUS are and if there is some header file you can share with a list of all the possible error values.

hello pholden,

PXL_SOF failure usually related to no signaling coming to VI engine.

[ 143.055509] tegra-vi4 PXL_SOF syncpt timeout! err = -11

could you please refer to for some debugging tips.

We have been referring to the Jetson TX2 Camera BringUp - It is still not working, which is why we are asking for an explanation of errors received. In other forum threads we have read, it was stated that the PXL_SOF was a catch-all error. We need more granularity and adding tracing & debugging only yielded the ERROR_STATUS2VI_VCO, INTR_STATUS, and ERR_INTR_STATUS messages. Hence, the request for meaning of the error codes of each.

We found the problem with v4l2-ctl command. Our pixel format is bayer_bggr10, but when running the “v4l2-ctl --get-fmt-video”, we see that the Pixel Format is always at RG12. By using the following command, we were able to successfully run the v4l2-ctl command:

v4l2-ctl --set-fmt-video=pixelformat=RG10 --stream-mmap --stream-count=3

Then we tried more frames, and were successful again:

v4l2-ctl --set-fmt-video=pixelformat=RG10 --stream-mmap --stream-count=100