Open Mouth Problem

Noticed this issue with some audio coming from elevenlabs. I fixed this issue by loading a silent track right after.

happened to see this. if you look at the blendshap jawopen json data sample, it is closed (value 0):

you can process it in the bludprint.

but the live link data received is not that closed:

i guess that due to some transmission and UE reinterpretion.
Anyway, there are plenty ways to handle that in your blueprint.

Thank you for the insightful comments.:)

Let me say this… I’ve been programming in C++ for 30 years, and once I identified and diagnosed the problem, fixing it took me maybe, hmm, 10 minutes. But that is, so to speak, treating the symptoms and not the cause. The cause lies in a bug in the Audio2Face software, that’s all… there’s no such thing as incorrect reinterpretation of data by UE… it’s the plugin’s algorithm that must correctly interpret the data. If there is a bug in the plugin receiving the data, then that’s where the bug is. For many years, I wrote camera tracking systems for live link for virtual production, and it was always about correctly reading the data and ensuring its accuracy on my part. I didn’t tell people… well, maybe the camera jumps a bit but you can write a smoothing script in blueprints :) No, no… that’s not the point… such critical bugs should be immediately fixed by the software developers. Nevertheless, I’m glad to see some activity on this matter :) Thanks again for the remarks and such a detailed analysis with graphs… Best regards :)