OpenCV cv::cuda::HostMem::PAGE_LOCKED . .getAllocator()

I have a question regarding how I should set the PAGE_LOCKED when allocate HostMem inside a C++ class object.

First I was made test program to test declare a cv::cuda::HostMem like this in my

   cv::cuda::HostMem my_test(cv::cuda::HostMem::PAGE_LOCKED);
   my_host_mem.create(ROWS, COLS, CV_32FC3);

That’s seems to be right in my eyes
But when I want to do similar thing inside a class

class my_gpu_class
  cv::cuda::HostMem my_host_mem;
  void init_my_obj(void);

void my_gpu_class::init_my_obj(void)
   my_host_mem.getAllocator(cv::cuda::HostMem::PAGE_LOCKED);// will this set my_host_mem = PAGE_LOCKED ?
   my_host_mem.create(ROWS, COLS, CV_32FC3);

Both cases was complied OK but dose the
get PAGE_LOCKED in both of this cases ??

Best Regards
Olle Welin