OpenMP sections construct in type-bound procedure causes segment fault

I reported the issue at Oct 30, 2019. But I do not get a confirmation since then, so I decide to post it here.

The version of the compiler that I use is pgfortran 19.9-0 LLVM 64-bit target on x86-64 Linux -tp haswell, PGI Compilers and Tools.

I made a very simple test program to demonstrates the issue. It seems that the issue only occur in type-bound procedures when compiled with llvm, i.e. all 19.x version of PGI compiler with default options.


program main
    use test_interf
    implicit none
    call g_test%construct()
    call g_test%run()
end program main


module test_interf
    integer, parameter :: NX = 500, NY = 500, NZ = 50

    type :: test
        real, dimension(:, :, :), allocatable :: m_a
        real, dimension(:, :, :), allocatable :: m_b
        procedure, pass(this) :: construct => test_construct
        procedure, pass(this) :: run => test_run
        procedure, pass(this) :: process_a => test_process_a
        procedure, pass(this) :: process_b => test_process_b
    end type test
    type(test) g_test
        subroutine test_construct(this)
            import :: test
            class(test), intent(inout) :: this
        end subroutine test_construct

        subroutine test_run(this)
            import :: test
            class(test), intent(inout) :: this
        end subroutine test_run

        subroutine test_process_a(this)
            import :: test
            class(test), intent(inout) :: this
        end subroutine test_process_a

        subroutine test_process_b(this)
            import :: test
            class(test), intent(inout) :: this
        end subroutine test_process_b
    end interface
end module test_interf


subroutine test_construct(this)
    use test_interf, dummy => test_construct
    implicit none
    class(test), intent(inout) :: this
    allocate(this%m_a(NX, NY, NZ), this%m_b(NX, NY, NZ))
    call random_number(this%m_a)
    call random_number(this%m_b)
end subroutine test_construct

subroutine test_run(this)
    use test_interf, dummy => test_run
    implicit none
    class(test), intent(inout) :: this

    !$omp parallel sections num_threads(2)
    !$omp section
    call this%process_a()
    !$omp section
    call this%process_b()
    !$omp end parallel sections
end subroutine test_run

subroutine test_process_a(this)
    use test_interf, dummy => test_process_a
    implicit none
    class(test), intent(inout) :: this

    this%m_a = this%m_a * 1.0e-2
end subroutine test_process_a

subroutine test_process_b(this)
    use test_interf, dummy => test_process_b
    implicit none
    class(test), intent(inout) :: this

    this%m_b = this%m_b * 1.0e-3
end subroutine test_process_b

If compiled by pgfortran with llvm, the program crashes. If compiled by pgfortran without llvm, it runs smoothly.

What options are you passing to the compiler? And what is the error? It compiles fine for me with 19.9 and 19.10.