OpenMP to PGI Accelerator

I am dealing only since a short time with parallel programming. That’s why I might need some help.

I have a small program that is written for OpenMP parallelization:

       program OMP
         implicit none
	 real                     :: rinv, u, v, w
	 integer                  :: numThreads, in
	 integer, parameter       :: knend = 2000000
         integer                  :: kn, i, j
	 real, dimension(5,knend) :: F, G, H
	 real, dimension(6,knend) :: Q
	 integer                  :: count1, count_rate1, count_max1
	 integer                  :: count2, count_rate2, count_max2
	 integer                  :: comp

	 do i=1,6
	    do j=1,knend
	       Q(i,j) = sin(1.0*i)+cos(1.0*j)
	    end do
	 end do
	 call system_clock(count1, count_rate1, count_max1)

c$       numThreads = 4
c$       in = (knend/numThreads) + 1 
c$OMP    DO SCHEDULE(STATIC,in) PRIVATE(rinv, u, v, w)
            DO KN = 1, KNEND
               rinv     =  1.0     / Q(1,KN)
               u        =  Q(2,KN) * rinv
               v        =  Q(3,KN) * rinv
               w        =  Q(4,KN) * rinv
               F(1,KN)  =  Q(2,KN)
               F(2,KN)  =  Q(2,KN) * u        + Q(6,KN)
               F(3,KN)  =  Q(2,KN) * v
               F(4,KN)  =  Q(2,KN) * w
               F(5,KN)  = (Q(5,KN) + Q(6,KN)) * u
               G(1,KN)  =  Q(3,KN)
               G(2,KN)  =  Q(3,KN) * u
               G(3,KN)  =  Q(3,KN) * v        + Q(6,KN)
               G(4,KN)  =  Q(3,KN) * w
               G(5,KN)  = (Q(5,KN) + Q(6,KN)) * v 
               H(1,KN)  =  Q(4,KN)
               H(2,KN)  =  Q(4,KN) * u
               H(3,KN)  =  Q(4,KN) * v 
               H(4,KN)  =  Q(4,KN) * w        + Q(6,KN)
               H(5,KN)  = (Q(5,KN) + Q(6,KN)) * w

         call system_clock(count2, count_rate2, count_max2) 
	 comp  = count2 - count1
	 print *
	 print *, '***************************************'
         print *, 'Last value of Matrix F', F(5,knend)
	 print *, 'Last value of Matrix G', G(5,knend)
	 print *, 'Last value of Matrix H', H(5,knend)
	 print *, 'Last value of Matrix Q', Q(6,knend)
	 print *
	 print *, comp, ' microseconds on ', numThreads, ' CPUs (OMP)'
	 print *, '***************************************'
	 print *

      end program OMP

Now I want to parallelize this code witht the PGI accelerator. What I have done is the following:

     program GPU
         use accel_lib
	 implicit none
	 real                     :: rinv, u, v, w
	 integer, parameter       :: knend = 2000000
         integer                  :: kn, i, j
	 real, dimension(5,knend) :: F, G, H
	 real, dimension(6,knend) :: Q
	 integer                  :: count1, count_rate1, count_max1
	 integer                  :: count2, count_rate2, count_max2
	 integer                  :: cgpu
	 do i=1,6
	    do j=1,knend
	       Q(i,j) = sin(1.0*i)+cos(1.0*j)
	    end do
	 end do
	 call system_clock(count1, count_rate1, count_max1)

         !$acc region
            do kn = 1, knend
               rinv     =  1.0     / Q(1,KN)
               u        =  Q(2,KN) * rinv
               v        =  Q(3,KN) * rinv
               w        =  Q(4,KN) * rinv       
               F(1,KN)  =  Q(2,KN)
               F(2,KN)  =  Q(2,KN) * u        + Q(6,KN)
               F(3,KN)  =  Q(2,KN) * v
               F(4,KN)  =  Q(2,KN) * w
               F(5,KN)  = (Q(5,KN) + Q(6,KN)) * u      
               G(1,KN)  =  Q(3,KN)
               G(2,KN)  =  Q(3,KN) * u
               G(3,KN)  =  Q(3,KN) * v        + Q(6,KN)
               G(4,KN)  =  Q(3,KN) * w
               G(5,KN)  = (Q(5,KN) + Q(6,KN)) * v
               H(1,KN)  =  Q(4,KN)
               H(2,KN)  =  Q(4,KN) * u
               H(3,KN)  =  Q(4,KN) * v 
               H(4,KN)  =  Q(4,KN) * w        + Q(6,KN)
               H(5,KN)  = (Q(5,KN) + Q(6,KN)) * w
            end do
	 !$acc end region
	 call system_clock(count2, count_rate2, count_max2)
	 cgpu  = count2 - count1
	 print *
	 print *, '***************************************'
         print *, 'Last value of Matrix F', F(5,knend)
	 print *, 'Last value of Matrix G', G(5,knend)
	 print *, 'Last value of Matrix H', H(5,knend)
	 print *, 'Last value of Matrix Q', Q(6,knend)
	 print *
	 print *, cgpu, ' microseconds on GPU'
	 print *, '***************************************'
	 print *
      end program GPU

And finally the compiler message tells me that the loop is parallelizable. I read that private scalars don’t have to be treated specially, is this correct:

    23, Generating copyin(q(1:6,1:2000000))
         Generating copyout(f(1:5,1:2000000))
         Generating copyout(g(1:5,1:2000000))
         Generating copyout(h(1:5,1:2000000))
         Generating compute capability 1.0 binary
         Generating compute capability 1.3 binary
     25, Loop is parallelizable
         Accelerator kernel generated
         25, !$acc do parallel, vector(32)
             Non-stride-1 accesses for array 'f'
             Non-stride-1 accesses for array 'q'
             Non-stride-1 accesses for array 'g'
             Non-stride-1 accesses for array 'h'
             CC 1.0 : 14 registers; 20 shared, 88 constant, 0 local memory bytes; 33 occupancy
             CC 1.3 : 15 registers; 20 shared, 88 constant, 0 local memory bytes; 25 occupancy

Regarding the tutorial (Part2) on the Portland Group webpage the statement: Non-stride-1 accesses fo array…" refers to that i might want to reorganize the program. Now my question is if anybody could show me how the existing OMP program has to be rewritten so it takes full advantage of the GPU (best possible acceleration). I think I could really learn a lot from this example since I have to port many other subroutines etc. from OpenMP to PGI accelerator.
Thank you very much!!!

Hi elephant,

You want your vector loop index which in your case is kn, to index the first column of your arrays. For your code, this means changing your arrays to have the dimension of (knend,5) and indexed as (KN,1), (KN,2), etc.

Unfortunately, this will have a detrimental impact on your OpenMP performance. Hence, you will most likely want to have two versions of your code, one for OpenMP and one for Accelerators. You can the preprocessor directives _OPENMP (defined when -mp is used) or _ACCEL (defined when -ta is used) to use the correct version.

Hope this helps,