Did you post your complete compile options?
If that is all, it’s missing the include directories from CUDA and OptiX.
I’m using NVRTC as well from CUDA 8.0 or 9.0. I have not tried CUDA 10.0.
The below NVRTC options are what I’m using and this is currently running in an OptiX 6.0.0 based renderer which generates bindless callable programs at runtime that way. Though they do not call rtTrace.
// Build the include path commandline arguments.
const std::string cudaIncludes = std::string("-I") + m_cudaIncludePath;
const std::string optixIncludes = std::string("-I") + m_optixIncludePath;
const std::string rendererIncludes = std::string("-I") + m_rendererIncludePath;
const char* options[] =
"--gpu-architecture=compute_30", // OptiX 4 supports only Kepler and newer. OptiX 6 only Maxwell and newer.
"--use_fast_math", // Generate fast approximations. Requires CUDA 8.0 or newer nvrtc to work!
"--device-as-default-execution-space", // Force __device__ code.
"--relocatable-device-code=true", // Generate PTX code also for unreferenced functions. Needed since CUDA 8.0 to generate code for callable programs. --keep-device-functions is not supported by nvrtc.
"--generate-line-info", // Generate line information to allow better profiling with Nsight.
"-D__x86_64", // Generate 64-bit code only. Must be set or OptiX headers won't work.
cudaIncludes.c_str(), // The CUDA toolkit includes.
optixIncludes.c_str(), // The OptiX include path. Containing OptiX headers with the __CUDACC_RTC__ defines preventing host includes.
rendererIncludes.c_str() // This renderer's headers for the shaders.
Please always provide information about your system configuration when asking about problems.
OS version, installed GPU(s), display driver version, OptiX version (major.minor.micro), CUDA toolkit version used to compile your CUDA code to PTX, host compiler version.