Orin NX jtop read cpu crash

jtop version is 4.2.9
after i freshing jetpack, using jtop to read cpu information will crash

and this is my kernel version

anyone know how to fix it?
Thank you.

Try login as root and execute Jtop command and see, if there is any difference

Hi, i try sudo jtop, but not fix it
thank you

Please execute sudo tegrastats to get the information.


CPU usage is correctly shown in sudo tegrastats. You can run the command to check system status.

The latest version of jtop may be for Jetpack 6.0GA(r36.3). You may try previous version for 5.1.3(r35.5.0)

FWIW I have the same issue on Jetpack 6.0 (L4T v36.3). I did not have this issue a couple weeks ago on the same Orin NX board. I have re-flashed it since then and hence have reinstalled jtop. I don’t know if the jtop version has changed in that time.

the problem occur after i refreshed nx too :(
i fix the problem by jtop version 4.2.6rcl
sudo -H pip3 install -v jetson-stats==4.2.6rc1

Or try modifying the python file “freq” to “Freq”


Hi @dory.lee

Thank you for this post, please is happen another bug, please open an issue on the jetson-stats repository: Issues · rbonghi/jetson_stats · GitHub

I will fix it in the next Jetson-stats release soon.
I made an issue for this bug: missing key freq and crash · Issue #556 · rbonghi/jetson_stats · GitHub


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