Ota(updating the host) on jetson nano , which is the option <relno>

Updating the Host

NVIDIA provides a group of Debian packages that add or update L4T support components on the host computer.

To prepare the host computer to install L4T support components

1.Enter this command to install the public key of the x86_64 repository of the public APT server:

$ sudo apt-key adv --fetch-key http://repo.download.nvidia.com/jetson/jetson-ota-public.asc

2.Add the following x86_64 repository to the host system’s source list:

•For an Ubuntu 16.04 host:

deb http://repo.download.nvidia.com/jetson/x86_64 xenial

•For an Ubuntu 18.04 host:

deb http://repo.download.nvidia.com/jetson/x86_64 bionic

Where is the current release’s full release number as specified in the Release Notes.

I tried many words to replace ,but when I run command line “sudo apt update”, allways got this error :
正在读取软件包列表… 完成
正在读取状态信息… 完成
W: 鉴于仓库 ‘http://repo.download.nvidia.com/jetson/x86_64 bionic InRelease’ 不含有 ‘universe’ 组件,跳过配置文件 ‘universe/binary-arm64/Packages’ 的获取。(sources.list 中的组件名称是否拼写错误?)
W: 鉴于仓库 ‘http://repo.download.nvidia.com/jetson/x86_64 bionic InRelease’ 不含有 ‘universe’ 组件,跳过配置文件 ‘universe/i18n/Translation-zh_CN’ 的获取。(sources.list 中的组件名称是否拼写错误?)
W: 鉴于仓库 ‘http://repo.download.nvidia.com/jetson/x86_64 bionic InRelease’ 不含有 ‘universe’ 组件,跳过配置文件 ‘universe/i18n/Translation-en’ 的获取。(sources.list 中的组件名称是否拼写错误?)
W: 鉴于仓库 ‘http://repo.download.nvidia.com/jetson/x86_64 bionic InRelease’ 不含有 ‘universe’ 组件,跳过配置文件 ‘universe/i18n/Translation-zh’ 的获取。(sources.list 中的组件名称是否拼写错误?)
W: 鉴于仓库 ‘http://repo.download.nvidia.com/jetson/x86_64 bionic InRelease’ 不含有 ‘universe’ 组件,跳过配置文件 ‘universe/dep11/Components-arm64.yml’ 的获取。(sources.list 中的组件名称是否拼写错误?)
W: 鉴于仓库 ‘http://repo.download.nvidia.com/jetson/x86_64 bionic InRelease’ 不含有 ‘universe’ 组件,跳过配置文件 ‘universe/dep11/icons-48x48.tar’ 的获取。(sources.list 中的组件名称是否拼写错误?)
W: 鉴于仓库 ‘http://repo.download.nvidia.com/jetson/x86_64 bionic InRelease’ 不含有 ‘universe’ 组件,跳过配置文件 ‘universe/dep11/icons-64x64.tar’ 的获取。(sources.list 中的组件名称是否拼写错误?)
which mens woring in replacing option?
how could i do?

sorry for the chinses,the translated error information as below:
Reading package list… Done

Analyzing dependency tree for package

Reading status information… Complete

All software packages are up to date.

W: Whereas the warehouse‘ http://repo.download.nvidia.com/jetson/x86_ 64 bionic inrelease ‘does not contain the’ Universe ‘component. Skip obtaining the configuration file’ Universe / binary-arm64 / packages’( Is the component name in sources.list misspelled?)

W: Whereas the warehouse‘ http://repo.download.nvidia.com/jetson/x86_ 64 bionic inrelease ‘does not contain the’ Universe ‘component. Skip the configuration file’ Universe / I18N / translation zh '_ Acquisition of CN '( Is the component name in sources.list misspelled?)

W: Whereas the warehouse‘ http://repo.download.nvidia.com/jetson/x86_ 64 bionic inrelease ‘does not contain the’ Universe ‘component. Skip obtaining the configuration file’ Universe / I18N / translation en '( Is the component name in sources.list misspelled?)

W: Whereas the warehouse‘ http://repo.download.nvidia.com/jetson/x86_ 64 bionic inrelease ‘does not contain the’ Universe ‘component. Skip obtaining the configuration file’ Universe / I18N / translation zh '( Is the component name in sources.list misspelled?)

W: Whereas the warehouse‘ http://repo.download.nvidia.com/jetson/x86_ 64 bionic inrelease ‘does not contain’ Universe ‘component. Skip obtaining the configuration file’ Universe / dep11 / components-arm64. YML '( Is the component name in sources.list misspelled?)

W: Whereas the warehouse‘ http://repo.download.nvidia.com/jetson/x86_ 64 bionic inrelease ‘does not contain the’ Universe ‘component. Skip obtaining the configuration file’ Universe / dep11 / icons-48x48. Tar '( Is the component name in sources.list misspelled?)

W: Whereas the warehouse‘ http://repo.download.nvidia.com/jetson/x86_ 64 bionic inrelease ‘does not contain the’ Universe ‘component. Skip obtaining the configuration file’ Universe / dep11 / icons-64x64. Tar '( Is the component name in sources.list misspelled?)

hello himteeem,

may I know which JetPack release version it is?
here’s developer guide for your reference, Over-the-Air Update.

JetPack r32.3.1 on my device
I wanna r32.5.1 ,the new version
when i try “Updating a Host” in the developer guide, got this command line:
deb http://repo.download.nvidia.com/jetson/x86_64/bionic main
add this line to the apt source
but i don’t konw which words need i replace “”

I tried “r32.5”,the only word works.
but got another issue:
jetbot@jetbot -desktop:~$ sudo apt-get install nsight-graphics-for-embeddedlinux-2021.1.1 nsight-systems-2021.2.3 cuda-toolkit-10-2 cuda-cross-aarch64-10-2 libvisionworks libvisionworks-dev libvisionworks-samples libvisionworks-sfm libvisionworks-sfm-dev libvisionworks-tracking libvisionworks-tracking-dev libnvvpi1 vpi1-dev vpi1-samples vpi1-cross -aarch64-l4t
Reading package list… Done
Analyzing dependency tree for package
Reading status information… Complete
E: Unable to locate package nsight graphics for embeddedlinux-2021.1.1
E: No packages can be found according to Glob ‘nsight graphics for embedded linux-2021.1.1’
E: Cannot find any packages according to the regular expression nsight graphics for embedded linux-2021.1.1
E: Unable to locate package nsight-systems-2021.2.3
E: No packages can be found according to Glob ‘nsight systems-2021.2.3’
E: Cannot find any packages according to the regular expression nsight-systems-2021.2.3
E: Unable to locate package cuda-cross-aarch64-10-2
E: Unable to locate package vpi1-cross-aarch64-l4t

There are no errors in the previous steps,except there.
i need cuda-10.2 libcufft.so and so on, it seems not works.
what should i do? please

“Updating the host” is for x86 host. Not jetson nano…

i think i got what you mean,thinks a lot.

Hi WayneWWW,

I got the same problem, when i try “Updating a Host" in the developer guide, I tried this command line:
“deb http://repo.download.nvidia.com/jetson/x86_64/bionic r32.6 main” and “sudo apt update”, then i tried the next step to install the package .

command : sudo apt-get install nsight-graphics-for-embeddedlinux-2021.1.1 nsight-systems-2021.2.3 cuda-toolkit-10-2 cuda-cross-aarch64-10-2 libvisionworks libvisionworks-dev libvisionworks-samples libvisionworks-sfm libvisionworks-sfm-dev libvisionworks-tracking libvisionworks-tracking-dev libnvvpi1 vpi1-dev vpi1-samples vpi1-cross-aarch64-l4t

I got the ERROR:
E: Unable to locate package nsight-graphics-for-embeddedlinux-2021.1.1
E: Couldn’t find any package by glob ‘nsight-graphics-for-embeddedlinux-2021.1.1’
E: Couldn’t find any package by regex ‘nsight-graphics-for-embeddedlinux-2021.1.1’

I tried those step on my PC, OS is ubuntu 18.04.5 kernel version 5.4.0-80-generic

Hi edward1_lin,

Please help to open a new topic if it’s still an issue. Thanks