We are using ORIN AGX module, may I ask where the MCU program of P3737 carrier card can be downloaded?
Chip model 1: EFM8SB10F2G
Chip model 2: ATSAMD21G16B-AU
For EFM8SB10F2G, you can find here:NVIDIA Jetson AGX Orin, Jetson AGX Xavier, and Jetson Xavier NX Power Button Supervisor Firmware
For ATSAMD21G16B FW, it is not supported as said in Jetson AGX Orin Series DG:
Debug MCU (ATSAMD21G16B0AU – U136), circuit, and associated USB Micro B connector (J26): These features are used at NVIDIA for internal debugging and development purposes. These are not required, and support will not be provided if implemented. Designers have the option to implement something similar on their custom carrier boards but should develop their own circuit to meet their needs.
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