Parabrick 3.7 Quality Control

The example command in the document of PB3.7 cannot be excuted normally. I change the --mapq to --map-quality as shown in the help.

pbrun vcfqc \
    --in-vcf HG002.hiseqx.pcr-free.30x.pb.deepvariant.vcf \
    --output-dir HG002.hiseqx.pcr-free.30x.pb.deepvariant.qc \
    --map-quality MAPQ \
    --depth DP \
    --allele-depth AD \
    --vaf AF

There are many warnings as:

[PB Warning 2022-May-26 01:02:10][src/report.cpp:217] Warning: Depth values being assumed as ints even though they are not: DP
[PB Warning 2022-May-26 01:02:10][src/report.cpp:208] Warning: allele depth values being assumed as ints even though they are not: AD

Thank you for this. I will file a bug.