paramgl Error on compilation


we have an error with sample code.

When we run the command make :

thomas@MyVostro:~/matrixMul/NVIDIA_CUDA_SDK$ make

make[1]: entrant dans le répertoire « /home/thomas/matrixMul/NVIDIA_CUDA_SDK/common »

a - obj/release/bank_checker.cpp_o

a - obj/release/cmd_arg_reader.cpp_o

a - obj/release/cutil.cpp_o

a - obj/release/stopwatch.cpp_o

a - obj/release/stopwatch_linux.cpp_o

a - obj/release/multithreading.cpp_o

make[1]: quittant le répertoire « /home/thomas/matrixMul/NVIDIA_CUDA_SDK/common »

make[1]: entrant dans le répertoire « /home/thomas/matrixMul/NVIDIA_CUDA_SDK/common »

make[1]: Makefile_paramgl: Aucun fichier ou répertoire de ce type // no file or directory

make[1]: *** Pas de règle pour fabriquer la cible « Makefile_paramgl ». Arrêt.

make[1]: quittant le répertoire « /home/thomas/matrixMul/NVIDIA_CUDA_SDK/common »

make: *** [lib/] Erreur 2


My French is poor, however it looks like you’re missing a file somewhere.

Which Linux distribution are you using?

ParamGL is a small library that is used for displaying sliders in some of the samples.

Are you sure you’re building it correctly?

Well, I think the problem is that you downloaded a single example rather than install the entire SDK. I have noticed this problem myself. The inidividual samples don’t have the paramgl makefile.

looks like the forum won’t let me attach the makefile to this thread. Just create a text file called Makefile_paramgl in the “common” directory and add the following text (please note that you should add in the NVIDIA notice to the top of the file (excluded here for size sake)).


CCFILES := src/paramgl.cpp
src/param.cpp \

SRCDIR := src/


STATIC_LIB := libparamgl.a


Ok, thanks a lot.

Now it seems to work by downloading the SDK for Linux (1.1) and not just a sample code.