ParaView Omniverse Connector Updates

The ParaView 5.9 Omniverse Connector version 101.0.0 has just been released! New features include:

  • Revamped UI with new Omniverse toolbar, including sign-in, settings, and open-in-Omniverse-application buttons
  • Support for lines and (piecewise linear) curves
  • Choice of different representations for points, lines/curves, wireframe and volumes in settings menu
  • Support for volume output as textured mesh for compatibility with Omniverse Create
  • Choice of scene up-axis, text/binary output
  • Optional output of time-varying textures and material parameters
  • Option to force winding order for triangle output
  • Any Omniverse Connector render view can now be opened into Omniverse application of choice via the click of a button
  • Log verbosity selection for Omniverse Connector and Nucleus separately
  • Support for continuation of output within an existing scene (session directory) after closing an Omniverse Connector render view and creating a new one (experimental)
  • Update of Omniverse Client Library to version 1.17.7 (Live sync functionality only enabled for Create versions below 2022.2.0)

Also, the robustness of the vdb output functionality is greatly improved.

Note that this version still doesn’t support ParaView 5.10; we aim to release the connector for the latest version of ParaView very soon.

For more details and example usage, see the updated documentation page!

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A new version of the ParaView Omniverse Connector has been released for both ParaView 5.9 (101.1.0) and ParaView 5.10 (101.2.0).

Improvements mainly include:

  • Bugfixes for wrong per-primitive color output and missing temporal arrays filter output.
  • The ParaView 5.10 connector adds an option to convert fields of double type to float primvars in USD using the Pass Arrays filter.

Known issues include:

  • Live synchronization is not working with Create versions 2022.2 or higher. This will be addressed for the next release of the connector.
  • Time series datasets that include slices (or other geometry) which change their topology over timesteps, but not their number of vertices and indices, will not render their attributes such as colors and texcoords correctly in both Create and Usdview.

More details can be found in the updated documentation page.

A new version of the ParaView Omniverse Connector has been released, making a full step to version 200.0.0. It is only available for ParaView 5.11.

It introduces a number of improvements:

  • Live synchronization with Omniverse clients such as Create is back! It now has to be explicitly enabled, to this end a new button has been introduced on the Omniverse toolbar in ParaView. See this chapter in the documentation.
  • A global timescale can now be applied per viewport, for scaling all time samples of timeseries data.
  • Omniverse Pass Arrays filter now works on volumes: adds any selected field array to the OpenVDB file as a separate grid.
  • Omniverse Pass Arrays filter now converts field arrays of double type to float by default.
  • Exporting 3D widgets from the PV viewport is now an explicit option.
  • Materials operate properly with the Omniverse Create material graph, so it is easier to connect them to arbitrary primvars after having exported them from ParaView (currently limited to mesh geometries). See this chapter in the documentation.
  • Time series datasets that include slices did not transfer their attributes (such as texcoords) properly in ParaView 5.10, but this is fixed in ParaView 5.11.

Some bugs have been fixed:

  • Fix for wrong extents on volumes.
  • Pressing the cancel button in various areas of the UI properly discards previous actions.
  • The installer’s file dialog works with Windows 11.
  • Reporting of installation issues in the launcher on Windows is fixed.

Known issues include:

  • Due to a limitation of Create, colormapped streamlines or UsdPointInstancer geometries will not show their proper coloring in Create.
  • In the same vein, connecting arbitrary primvars to the material inputs in a material graph within Create only works properly with mesh geometries.

More details can be found in the updated documentation pages.

Version 200.1.0 of the ParaView Omniverse Connector has been released for ParaView 5.11.

The following are the most important improvements:

  • Glyph representation support (see the glyphs section in the documentation)
  • Animation cues in the animation view produce timestepped output for affected actors

Fixes include:

  • Connector UI Nucleus server queries (folders/users/connection state) now initiated from ParaView server process instead of client
  • Vertex color fix for colorspace mismatch with textures
  • Fix for opacity mapped translucent materials using vertex, texture, or constant opacities

Limitations regarding colormapping in USD Composer from the 200.0.0 release still remain for now, as per the previous post.

For a detailed description of all changes, see the documentation pages.

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