Pass Structure to Thrust Functor

I have seen structures passed to Cuda global functions, but was wondering if it was possible to do the same with thrust functors.
For example, if I wanted a functor that took a pointer to a structure, and used the structure to access data, is that possible? I have tried and failed.

Example Code:

struct A {
double var = 1.0;
A a_struct;

host device
struct functor {
A* a_ptr;

functor(A* _a_ptr):
a_ptr(_a_ptr) {}

void operator() (const input_type& input_name ){
//do stuff using a_ptr to access var and modify it.


I have been using thrust custom functors and thrust::raw_pointer_cast with device_vectors and the .data() method, but it failed with structures.
I tried passing different pointers (device_ptr to struct A) and using thrust::raw_pointer_case(&dev_ptr[0]) to input data to the functor but that failed as well.
Any direction or advice would be greatly appreciated.

It’s possible to pass structures to thrust functors. If you search around, you’ll find examples. Here’s one:

Your code doesn’t seem very sensible to me as an example. Lines like this:

all by itself like that, don’t make sense.

And this:

wouldn’t compile under any circumstance. So I wouldn’t be able to explain anything about that code.

Thanks for the link.
I see how you can pass structures through the operator, but I was wondering about using functor arguments.
For example, given two device_vectors and an add functor, we could access elements:

thrust::device_vector vct_a;
thrust::device_vector vct_b;
vct_a[0] = 1.0;
vct_b[0] = 2.0;

struct add {
unsigned* vct_a_addr;
unsigned* vct_b_addr;

host device

add(unsigned* _vct_a_addr,
unsigned* _vct_b_addr) :

unsigned operator()(const T& t) {
//access vct_a
unsigned var_a = vct_a_addr[0];
unsigned var_b = vct_b_addr[0];
return (var_a + var_b);

We could use the functor with the call:

I am trying to do the same with a structure instead of a device vector.

Functors like the following compile, but I do not know how to pass a the pointer correctly to access the elements of A if I do not pass them as above.
For example, the following compiles but fails when I access A:

struct A {
thrust::device_vector vec;

struct functor {
A* a_ptr;

host device
functor(A* _a_ptr):
a_ptr(_a_ptr) {}

void operator() (const input_type& input_name ){
//do stuff using a_ptr to access var and modify it.
unsigned temp = A.vec[0];//does not work
