PCIe allocation issue for Jetson Nano & NX

Hi Sir,

We are designing our carrier board for Jetson Nano & NX, and we expect to design one carrier board that Nano & NX module can use the same one.

We have the three questions about PCIe of Nano &NX module.

  1. Please refer as below image. Because Nano & NX module wifi pin number is different, could we redistribute PCIe pin function to make wifi pin number of Nano & NX module become to the same?

  2. If question 1’s answer is yes, should we modify DTB/DTS file to redistribute PCIe pin function for PCIe lane configuration?

  3. Because we want to achieve more PCIe device on this one carrier board like SSD & LTE module, the original PCIe port isn’t enough for us. So we will add PCIe switch and is it correct we should modify PCIe lane configuration via DTB/DTS file only? Is there anything else we should pay attention to?

Finally, thanks for your feedback.


Please refer as below image. Because Nano & NX module wifi pin number is different, could we redistribute PCIe pin function to make wifi pin number of Nano & NX module become to the same?

The pin name/number is same on connector
And it is OK to set to same pin usage since the carrier board is compatible for nano and NX

And you don’t need to modify the lane mapping. Actually, we don’t support user to modify lane mapping for nano and xavier.