Performance slowdown when moving template parameter to function argument

Hi Everyone,
I’ve returned to the forum after a long hiatus from CUDA.

Just getting back into things (So I’m quite inexperienced when it comes to the newer functionality) and I’ve noticed some strange behavior when writing a kernel.

Just for some background, I’m trying to create my own tridiagonal solver function (similar to cusparseSgtsv) with a few changes:

  1. I store my problem in row-major instead of column major.
  2. The number of columns in my matrix is a multiple of 32 (typically 32, 64, or 96, but sometimes 320,640, etc.), and the number of rows is typically in the range 1e6-4e6
  3. The Tridiagonal matrix is positive definite (diagonally dominant) and symmetric, and there are many sporadic occurences of zeros in the off diagonal. Rather than use CR / PCR / partial pivoting, this allows me to partition the problem into many smaller subsets, and use a basic Thomas Algorithm for each subset.

I’ve built an effective kernel for 32 columns, and I was looking to generalize it to use 32*n columns instead. What I noticed when optimizing my code is that hard-coding the problem size in a template variable is almost twice(!) as fast as using it as a function parameter. Unfortunately I’m not a good enough coder to look around under the hood, so I’ve been chasing my tail trying to find out why this is happening, but also how to fix the problem.

Any help would be appreciated.

Attached output below, as well as sample source code to demonstrate the issue. There’s an IO of the output you can uncomment if you want to check it out and compare with the MATLAB solution, but it’s quite time consuming.

Edit: Compiled with Visual Studio 2015 + CUDA 9.1, run on a Titan X + Win 7

Found 206897 zero off diagonals.
Running Kernel...
Custom Gtsv Time taken: 3.623689
Custom Gtsv non-template Time taken: 6.851085
Cusparse Gtsv Time taken: 45.359820
#include "main.cuh"

int main()
	int numel = 1e6;
	int numcol = 64;
	//initialize T
	thrust::host_vector<float> a_hst(numel);
	thrust::host_vector<float> b_hst(numel);
	thrust::host_vector<float> c_hst(numel);
	thrust::host_vector<float> data_hst(numel * numcol);
	a_hst[0] = 0;
	c_hst[numel - 1] = 0;
	for (int i = 1; i < numel; i++)
		float rval = (float)((i + 1) % 29) / 58.0f;
		rval = rval > 0.1 ? rval : 0;
		a_hst[i] = -rval;
	for (int i = 0; i < numel; i++) b_hst[i] = 1.0f + (float)(i % 31) / 31.0f;
	for (int i = 0; i < numel - 1; i++) c_hst[i] = a_hst[i + 1];

	thrust::device_vector<float> c_dvc_1 = c_hst;

	c_hst[0] = c_hst[0] / b_hst[0];
	for (int i = 1; i < numel - 1; i++) c_hst[i] = c_hst[i] / (b_hst[i] - a_hst[i] * c_hst[i - 1]);

	for (int i = 0; i < numel * numcol; i++) data_hst[i] = (i + 1) % 37;// ((double)rand() / (RAND_MAX));

	thrust::device_vector<float> a_dvc = a_hst;
	thrust::device_vector<float> b_dvc = b_hst;
	thrust::device_vector<float> c_dvc = c_hst;

	thrust::device_vector<float> data_dvc = data_hst;
	thrust::device_vector<float> output_dvc(numcol * numel);
	thrust::device_vector<float> output_dvc_transpose(numcol * numel);

	thrust::device_vector<int> indices(numel + 1);

	// counting iterators define a sequence [0, size)
	thrust::counting_iterator<int> first(0);
	thrust::counting_iterator<int> last = first + numel;

	// compute indices of nonzero elements 
	typedef thrust::device_vector<int>::iterator IndexIterator;

	IndexIterator indices_end = thrust::remove_copy_if(first, last, a_dvc.begin(), indices.begin(), thrust::identity<float>());
	std::cout << "Found " << (indices_end - indices.begin()) << " zero off diagonals.\nRunning Kernel...\n";

	int numproblems = indices_end - indices.begin();
	indices[numproblems] = numel;

	thrust::device_vector<int> indices1(indices.begin(), indices_end + 1);

	dim3 threadsPerBlock(32, BLOCKSIZE / 32);
	int numblocks = (BLOCKS_PER_SM * NUM_SM);

	cusparseHandle_t csh;
	cublasHandle_t cbh;

	Timer t;
	for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
		Tsolve_kernel<64> << <numblocks, threadsPerBlock >> > (thrust::raw_pointer_cast(&output_dvc[0]), thrust::raw_pointer_cast(&data_dvc[0]), thrust::raw_pointer_cast(&a_dvc[0]), thrust::raw_pointer_cast(&b_dvc[0]), thrust::raw_pointer_cast(&c_dvc[0]), thrust::raw_pointer_cast(&indices[0]), numproblems);
	printf("Custom Gtsv Time taken: %6f\n", t.stop());

	for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
		Tsolve_kernel1<<<numblocks, threadsPerBlock>>> (thrust::raw_pointer_cast(&output_dvc[0]), thrust::raw_pointer_cast(&data_dvc[0]), thrust::raw_pointer_cast(&a_dvc[0]), thrust::raw_pointer_cast(&b_dvc[0]), thrust::raw_pointer_cast(&c_dvc[0]), thrust::raw_pointer_cast(&indices[0]), numproblems,numcol);
	printf("Custom Gtsv non-template Time taken: %6f\n", t.stop());

	thrust::host_vector<float> out = output_dvc;
	for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
		float alpha = 1;
		float beta = 0;
		cublasSgeam(cbh, CUBLAS_OP_T, CUBLAS_OP_T, numel, numcol, &alpha, thrust::raw_pointer_cast(&data_dvc[0]), numcol, &beta, NULL, numcol, thrust::raw_pointer_cast(&output_dvc_transpose[0]), numel);
		cusparseSgtsv(csh, numel, numcol, thrust::raw_pointer_cast(&a_dvc[0]), thrust::raw_pointer_cast(&b_dvc[0]), thrust::raw_pointer_cast(&c_dvc_1[0]), thrust::raw_pointer_cast(&output_dvc_transpose[0]), numel);
		cublasSgeam(cbh, CUBLAS_OP_T, CUBLAS_OP_T, numcol, numel, &alpha, thrust::raw_pointer_cast(&output_dvc_transpose[0]), numel, &beta, NULL, numel, thrust::raw_pointer_cast(&output_dvc[0]), numcol);
	printf("Cusparse Gtsv Time taken: %6f", t.stop());
	//std::ofstream myfile;
	//for (int i = 0; i < out.end() - out.begin(); i++)
	//	myfile << out[i] << "\n";
#ifndef MAIN
#define MAIN
#include "device_launch_parameters.h"
#include <random>
#include <thrust/iterator/counting_iterator.h>
#include <thrust/copy.h>
#include <thrust/functional.h>
#include <thrust/device_vector.h>
#include <iterator>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cusparse_v2.h>
#include <cublas_v2.h>

#define NUM_SM 100
#define BLOCKS_PER_SM 6
#define BLOCKSIZE 256

#include <chrono>

class Timer
	Timer() : beg_(clock_::now()) {}
	void start() { beg_ = clock_::now(); }
	double stop() const {
		return std::chrono::duration_cast<second_>
			(clock_::now() - beg_).count();

	typedef std::chrono::high_resolution_clock clock_;
	typedef std::chrono::duration<double, std::ratio<1> > second_;
	std::chrono::time_point<clock_> beg_;

#ifndef CUDA
#define CUDA() do {                             \
	cudaError_t _e = cudaGetLastError();                    \
if (_e == cudaSuccess) break;               \
	char errstr[128];                           \
	_snprintf(errstr, 128, \
	"%s(%d) CUDA Error(%d)\n", \
	__FILE__, __LINE__, _e);           \
	throw std::runtime_error(errstr);			\
} while (0)

__global__ void Tsolve_kernel1(float * output, float * input, const float * __restrict__ T0, const float * __restrict__ T1, const float * __restrict__ T2, const int * __restrict__ blockid, int dimid, int numcol);

template <int numcol>
__launch_bounds__(BLOCKSIZE, BLOCKS_PER_SM)
__global__ void Tsolve_kernel(float * output, const float * __restrict__ input, const float * __restrict__ T0, const float * __restrict__ T1, const float * __restrict__ T2, const int * __restrict__ blockid, int dimid)
	const int linenumber = threadIdx.y + blockIdx.x * (BLOCKSIZE / 32);
	const int lineskip = gridDim.x * (BLOCKSIZE / 32);

	input += threadIdx.x;
	output += threadIdx.x;
	blockid += linenumber;

	const float *T0_base = T0;
	const float *T1_base = T1;
	const float *T2_base = T2;
	const float *input_base = input;
	float *output_base = output;

	for (int i = linenumber; i < dimid; i += lineskip)
		int rowoffset = blockid[0];
		int numel = blockid[1] - rowoffset;
		for (int a = 0; a < numcol; a += 32)
			T0 = T0_base + rowoffset;
			T1 = T1_base + rowoffset;
			T2 = T2_base + rowoffset;
			//input = input_base + 32 * rowoffset;
			//output = output_base + 32 * rowoffset;
			input = input_base + a + numcol*rowoffset;
			output = output_base + a + numcol*rowoffset;

			//pass forward
			float output_reg = input[0] / T1[0];
			output[0] = output_reg;

			for (int j = 1; j < numel; j++)
				//printf("EQ: %d,%d,%d,%d,%d, %d, %d\n", dimid, rowoffset, threadIdx.x, threadIdx.y, numel, i, j);
				input += numcol;// 32;
				output += numcol;// 32;
				T0 += 1;
				T1 += 1;

				output_reg = (input[0] - T0[0] * output_reg) / (T1[0] - T0[0] * T2[0]);
				T2 += 1;
				output[0] = output_reg;


			//pass backward
			for (int j = 1; j < numel; j++)
				//printf("EQ: %d,%d,%d,%d,%d, %d, %d\n", dimid, rowoffset, threadIdx.x, threadIdx.y, numel, i, j);
				output -= numcol;// 32;
				T2 -= 1;
				output_reg = output[0] - T2[0] * output_reg;
				output[0] = output_reg;


		blockid += lineskip;
#include "main.cuh"

__launch_bounds__(BLOCKSIZE, BLOCKS_PER_SM)
__global__ void Tsolve_kernel1(float * output, float * input, const float * __restrict__ T0, const float * __restrict__ T1, const float * __restrict__ T2, const int * __restrict__ blockid, int dimid, int numcol)
	const int linenumber = threadIdx.y + blockIdx.x * (BLOCKSIZE / 32);
	const int lineskip = gridDim.x * (BLOCKSIZE / 32);

	input += threadIdx.x;
	output += threadIdx.x;
	blockid += linenumber;

	const float *T0_base = T0;
	const float *T1_base = T1;
	const float *T2_base = T2;
	float *input_base = input;
	float *output_base = output;

	for (int i = linenumber; i < dimid; i += lineskip)
		int rowoffset = blockid[0];
		int numel = blockid[1] - rowoffset;
		for (int a = 0; a < numcol; a += 32)
			T0 = T0_base + rowoffset;
			T1 = T1_base + rowoffset;
			T2 = T2_base + rowoffset;
			//input = input_base + 32 * rowoffset;
			//output = output_base + 32 * rowoffset;
			input = input_base + a + numcol*rowoffset;
			output = output_base + a + numcol*rowoffset;

			//pass forward
			float output_reg = input[0] / T1[0];
			output[0] = output_reg;

			for (int j = 1; j < numel; j++)
				//printf("EQ: %d,%d,%d,%d,%d, %d, %d\n", dimid, rowoffset, threadIdx.x, threadIdx.y, numel, i, j);
				input += numcol;// 32;
				output += numcol;// 32;
				T0 += 1;
				T1 += 1;

				output_reg = (input[0] - T0[0] * output_reg) / (T1[0] - T0[0] * T2[0]);
				T2 += 1;
				output[0] = output_reg;


			//pass backward
			for (int j = 1; j < numel; j++)
				//printf("EQ: %d,%d,%d,%d,%d, %d, %d\n", dimid, rowoffset, threadIdx.x, threadIdx.y, numel, i, j);
				output -= numcol;// 32;
				T2 -= 1;
				output_reg = output[0] - T2[0] * output_reg;
				output[0] = output_reg;


		blockid += lineskip;
//Tested against matlab tridiagonal solve with:
T=spdiags([-D2 D1 -D0],-1:1,dims,dims);

I think the behavior you describe is to be expected, right? As a template parameter your kernel should be compiled for each possible value, which presumably makes a lot more things compile-time constant which allows for optimization (array indexing, etc.).

Yes, I’ve definitely seen it before (in the order of 10-20%, which most would accept for the sake of generality) but this is crazy. I’ve tried many ways to let the compiler know I’m still incrementing by a multiple of 32 as well, for arguments sake (just in case it was messing with the memory reads), it just can’t come close.

Fair point, I would say in similar situations I’ve seen ~25% differences. What’s wrong with just using the template function?

I suppose I’d have to compile for 32*n columns for n=1,2,3,4,…20…30 (and keep recompiling new kernels whenever I want to trial a larger problem size).

I’d rather sacrifice even 25% performance, if it meant generality and something I don’t have to continuously maintain :)

Generally speaking, the more information is provided to the compiler, the more highly optimized the generated code will be. Template arguments are an excellent way of providing a lot of additional information to the compiler, as they provide compile-time constants that can then propagate through the code, which may lead in turn to other optimizations such as loop unrolling and strength reduction.

From what I have seen of generated code, after CUDA 6.5 the CUDA compiler became a lot more aggressive about constant propagation. As long as that is done correctly, this is a Good Thing™.

How much performance can be gained by templating a kernel depends on the specifics of the kernel. So here you got lucky and it provides a lot of benefit. What’s not to love? I see no issue with instantiating the kernel for 30 different values of N, and accessing the desired instance via an array of function pointers, based on N. Sure, your compile time may go up a bit, but is that really much of an issue?

Since you are using a Pascal-based device which only has 16 bit integer multipliers natively, you might be able to speed up index calculations by limiting your integers to 16 bits where appropriate in the non-templated kernel.

Other things to check (they might not help, but this is in the spirit of providing the maximum amount of information to the compiler):

(1) I wonder why ‘input’ and ‘output’ do not have the restrict attribute (and ‘input’ should probably be ‘const’).

(2) The inner loops might benefit from use of an explicit #pragma unroll (try specifying different unroll factors).

A question related to njuffa’s first point: I pass all needed pointers to kernels via a struct (whose members are just a few pointers). How would I use the restrict attribute in this case?

I pass all needed pointers to kernels via a struct (whose members are just a few pointers)

Don’t do this. Pass the pointers individually.

Fair enough :)

Another question, does restrict only have benefits for global reads? I.e., has no effect on shared memory or register arrays within a kernel (if, e.g., passed to device functions, etc.)?

In practical terms, global memory accesses is where this counts, as it allows more aggressive re-ordering of memory accesses. For typical ways of using shared memory the compiler can usually determine when there is no aliasing, and the access to shared memory is also much cheaper, reducing the need to re-arrange memory accesses for performance.

Note that restrict is an attribute of a pointer (“access to the referenced memory object is restricted to this pointer”), and a typical function will receive a generic pointer without any information as to what kind of memory this pointer points to.

Assuming there really is no aliasing, best practice is to use restrict for all pointer arguments to a function. It may not help in every case, but it does help maximize the amount of information provided to the compiler.

If you get tired of adding restrict everywhere: Most C++ compilers, and I believe that includes nvcc (check the docs!), have a compiler switch “assume no aliasing” that applies to the entire compilation unit.

This is a fundamental difference between languages in the C family and Fortran (and a reason Fortran code was often faster than equivalent C++ code in the past): In Fortran, the language specification says the compiler can always assume there is no aliasing.

Thanks, njuffa, indeed “–restrict” is the keyword for nvcc: [url][/url]. Does this flag’s effect only apply to pointers explicitly passed to a kernel, or would it happen to allow me to get away with passing my structs, as above? (I imagine not…)

Thanks everyone for the responses

tera: Thanks for that, I’m actively optimizing for the V100, however I’m testing back and forth between that and the Titan X :) I’m blown away by how quick the V100 is. Well done Nvidia!

njuffa: I tested with and without restrict on input and output, it didn’t seem to make any difference. Likewise the unrolling. Without the mental wherewithal to dig into the assembly code, I’ve been brute forcing all the different heuristic options :)

As I recall, the precise semantics of pointer attributes in C++ (I think officially they are called qualifiers or modifiers) are tricky (and sometimes counter-intuitive) when the pointers are struct members. I don’t claim to be a able to explain these semantics and side-step the issue by using individual pointer.

njuffa: I tested with and without restrict on input and output, it didn’t seem to make any difference. Likewise the unrolling. Without the mental wherewithal to dig into the assembly code, I’ve been brute forcing all the different heuristic options :)

The compiler does some aliasing analysis (maybe a lot, I don’t know), and contains at least two loop unrollers, so for relatively simple kernels it is often able to apply the same transformations that it would be able to apply based on human help.

I found a large chunk of the issue
The BLOCKS_PER_SM launch bounds parameter was fine for the templated function but was inappropriate for the parametered function - it was sending 36 bytes of registers into spill stores. After setting BLOCKS_PER_SM to 5 for the parametered function (with a couple of other small adjustments), we get:

Found 206897 zero off diagonals.
Running Kernel...
Custom Gtsv Time taken: 2.873490
Custom Gtsv non-template Time taken: 3.991862
Cusparse Gtsv Time taken: 45.729334

And on the V100…:

Found 206897 zero off diagonals.
Running Kernel...
Custom Gtsv Time taken: 0.957307
Custom Gtsv non-template Time taken: 0.988377
Cusparse Gtsv Time taken: 9.900880

I’m obviously still a bit rusty. :)

The V100 also only has 16 bit multipliers, so the advice to try 16 bit integers still applies. [Not true - see below]

I am fairly busy at the moment, but if you post the templated kernel as well I might be able to have a quick look tomorrow night.

Not sure what you mean by that. AFAIK cc 7.0 has native 32-bit add, multiply, and multiply-add hardware capability.

A 32-bit by 32-bit multiply, with a 32-bit result, on volta, compiles to a single instruction, which is not the case for maxwell and pascal (which may use, for example, a sequence of 3 XMADs).

this design decision for the volta SM was one of the mentioned features in the inside volta presentation.

(Kepler also has native 32-bit integer capability, albeit at different rates per SM than Volta).

As far as I recall:

(1) Kepler’s native 32-bit IMUL had a throughput of 1/4 of 32-bit IADD.

(2) Maxwell and Pascal have XMAD which has the same throughput as IADD. A 32-bit integer multiply is emulated via three XMADs, so the throughput for 32-bit integer multiplies was actually improved slightly compared to Kepler. The throughput for many other emulated flavors of multiplies and divisions decreased slightly versus Kepler due to the complexity of the emulation code required.

I don’t know the throughput of 32-bit multiplies relative to 32-bit IADD on Volta and Turing, as I haven’t used either. But as txbob points out, the official word from NVIDIA is that Volta restored support for native 32-bit multiplies (much to my surprise, I have to say).

It’s in the table I already linked.

Kepler has a 5:1 ratio of (peak theoretical) throughput for IADD to IMUL (160 units vs. 32 units per SM)

Volta has a 1:1 ratio for the non-extended-precision case. (64 units vs. 64 units per SM)