PGF90-S-0155-Call to PGI runtime function not supported - pgf90_str_copy_klen


I try to ported a fortran code to GPU using openacc likes

!$acc parallel loop 
do i = 1,n
        CB  = CBC(i,1)
        if (CB .eq.'V ') then

but got compiling error

PGF90-S-0155-Call to PGI runtime function not supported - pgf90_str_copy_klen

where CBC is a character array. Does pgi compiler not support character array in acc parallel loop? Should I have to change the character to integer array?

Thanks. /JG

Hi JG,

Does pgi compiler not support character array in acc parallel loop?

Most string operations are not supported on the GPU.

Should I have to change the character to integer array?

If you can, that would be a work-around.
