PGI CUDA Fortran, VS2010, warning W0006 : Input file empty

I welcome all,

I am a new user for PGI CUDA Fortran.

I try to run the example. I work in the VS2010.

In the project settings, I have included all that is possible. Nevertheless when compiling I get an error.

The set project properties:


General>Additional Include Directories:


Code Generation> Runtime Library: Multi-threaded (-Bstatic)

Language> Enable CUDA Fortran: Yes

Command Line:
-V -Mpreprocess -g -Bstatic -Mbackslash -Mextend -mp -Mcuda=fastmath,keepbin,keepgpu -I"“c:\ProgramFiles\Intel\MKL\\include”" -I"“c:\ProgramFiles\Intel\MKL\\include\em64t\lp64"” -I"“c:\ProgramFiles\Intel\MKL\\include\em64t\ilp64"” -I"“c:\ProgramFiles\PGI\win64\2010"” -I"“c:\ProgramFiles\PGI\win64\10.8\include”" -I"c:\Program Files\Intel\MKL\\include\em64t\lp64" -I"c:\Program Files\Intel\MKL\\include\em64t\ilp64" -I"c:\Program Files\Intel\MKL\\em64t\bin" -I"c:\Program Files\Intel\MKL\\inlude" -I"c:\Program Files\PGI\win64\10.8\src" -I"c:\Program Files\PGI\win64\10.8\include" -I"C:\Program Files\PGI\Microsoft Open Tools 10\include" -I"C:\Program Files\PGI\Microsoft Open Tools 10\PlatformSDK\include" -I"c:\program files\pgi\win64\10.8\include" -Minform=inform -Minfo=ftn

Additional options: -ta=nvidia -lcufft


General>Additional Library Directories:

Additional Dependencies:
“c:\Program Files\Intel\MKL\\em64t\lib\mkl_pgi_thread.lib”
“c:\Program Files\Intel\MKL\\em64t\lib\mkl_core.lib”
“c:\Program Files\Intel\MKL\\em64t\lib\libiomp5md.lib”
“c:\Program Files\PGI\win64\2010\cuda\2.3\lib\cudart.lib”
“c:\Program Files\PGI\win64\2010\cuda\3.1\lib\cudart.lib”
“c:\Program Files\Intel\MKL\\em64t\lib\mkl_intel_thread.lib”

[My code]

module cufft
! CUFFT Transform Directions:
integer, public :: CUFFT_FORWARD = -1
integer, public :: CUFFT_INVERSE = 1
! CUFFT Transform Types:
integer, public :: CUFFT_R2C = Z’2a’ ! Real to Complex (interleaved) (interleaved - )
integer, public :: CUFFT_C2R = Z’2c’ ! Complex (interleaved) to Real
integer, public :: CUFFT_C2C = Z’29’ ! Complex to Complex, interleaved
integer, public :: CUFFT_D2Z = Z’6a’ ! Double to Double-Complex
integer, public :: CUFFT_Z2D = Z’6c’ ! Double-Complex to Double
integer, public :: CUFFT_Z2Z = Z’69’ ! Double-Complex to Double-Complex

! cufftPlan1d(cufftHandle *plan, int nx,cufftType type,int batch)

interface cufftPlan1d
subroutine cufftPlan1d(plan, nx, type, batch) bind(C,name=‘cufftPlan1d’)!bind -
use iso_c_binding
integer(c_int):: plan
integer(c_int),value:: nx, batch,type
end subroutine cufftPlan1d
end interface cufftPlan1d
! cufftDestroy(cufftHandle plan)

interface cufftDestroy
subroutine cufftDestroy(plan) bind(C,name=‘cufftDestroy’)
use iso_c_binding
integer(c_int),value:: plan
end subroutine cufftDestroy
end interface cufftDestroy

! cufftExecC2C(cufftHandle plan,
! cufftComplex *idata,
! cufftComplex *odata,
! int direction)

interface cufftExecC2C
subroutine cufftExecC2C(plan, idata, odata, direction) bind(C,name=‘cufftExecC2C’)
use iso_c_binding
!!use precision
!!use f95_precision
!!use mkl95_precision
integer(c_int),value:: direction
integer(c_int),value:: plan
complex(fp_kind),device:: idata(),odata()
end subroutine cufftExecC2C
end interface cufftExecC2C
! cufftExecZ2Z(cufftHandle plan,
! cufftDoubleComplex *idata,
! cufftDoubleComplex *odata,
! int direction);

interface cufftExecZ2Z
subroutine cufftExecZ2Z(plan, idata, odata, direction) bind(C,name=‘cufftExecZ2Z’)
use iso_c_binding
!!use precision
!!use f95_precision
!!use mkl95_precision
integer(c_int),value:: direction
integer(c_int),value:: plan
complex(fp_kind),device:: idata(),odata()
end subroutine cufftExecZ2Z
end interface cufftExecZ2Z
end module cufft

PROGRAM fft_test
use cufft
complex(fp_kind) ,allocatable:: a(:),b(:)
complex(fp_kind),device,allocatable:: a_d(:),b_d(:)
integer:: n
integer:: plan


! allocate arrays on the host
allocate (a(n),b(n))
! allocate arrays on the device
allocate (a_d(n))
allocate (b_d(n))
!initialize arrays on host


!copy arrays to device


! Print initial array

print *, “Array A:”
print *, a

! Initialize the plan

call cufftPlan1D(plan,n,CUFFT_Z2Z,1)

! Execute FFTs

call cufftExecZ2Z(plan,a_d,b_d,CUFFT_FORWARD)
call cufftExecZ2Z(plan,b_d,b_d,CUFFT_INVERSE)

! Copy results back to host


! Print initial array

print *, “Array B”
print *, b

!release memory on the host

deallocate (a,b)

!release memory on the device

deallocate (a_d,b_d)

! Destroy the plan

call cufftDestroy(plan)

END PROGRAM fft_test

The result of compiling:

Compiling Project …


PGF90/x86-64 Windows 10.8-0

Copyright 1989-2000, The Portland Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Copyright 2000-2010, STMicroelectronics, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

E:\FFTdevice.f90(0) : warning W0006 : Input file empty

PGF90/x86-64 Windows 10.8-0: compilation completed with warnings

PGF90/x86-64 Windows 10.8-0

Copyright 1989-2000, The Portland Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Copyright 2000-2010, STMicroelectronics, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

pgfortran 10.8-0 64-bit target on x86-64 Windows -tp core2-64

Copyright 1989-2000, The Portland Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Copyright 2000-2010, STMicroelectronics, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


libcmt.lib(crt0.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol main referenced in function __tmainCRTStartup

D:\Projects\PVFProject5\PVFProject5\x64\Debug\PVFProject5.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals

PVFProject5 build failed.

Build log was saved at file://D:\Projects\PVFProject5\PVFProject5\x64\Debug\BuildLog.htm

Please, tell me, what is my mistake ?!


Hi AlexanderKuzmenko,

Odd. The compiler seems to believe that your source file is empty:

E:\FFTdevice.f90(0) : warning W0006 : Input file empty

Can you double check that your source isn’t empty?

  • Mat

Dear MAT,

I checked the text file to an e-drive exists.
I do not know much English, so I apologize for the clumsy style.



I checked the text file to an e-drive exists.

Is it empty? i.e. does the file actually contain any text at all?

I do not know much English, so I apologize for the clumsy style.

No worries.

  • Mat

Dear Mat,

Source code after compilation does not vanish.
Nevertheless, the compiler does not see it!



While I doubt this is the problem, we did have another user point out a problem we have when printing Cyrillic letters on Windows. Can you remove your Cyrillic letters from your comments in case we’re having problems reading them as well?

FYI, you don’t need to add CUDA include paths or libs to the PVF
properties; enabling the CUDA Fortran property is enough. Also, you shouldn’t need to add paths or libs to use the MKL. There is a “Libraries | Use MKL” property that should take care of this for them – at least for the general cases.
