Pinmux OTA Update


is there a way to update the pinmux cfg without a complete reflash of the board?

Hi seeky15,

You could refer to the following instruction to use jetson-io tool to update pinmux.

Configuring the Jetson Expansion Headers — Running Jetson-IO

Hey @KevinFFF

that looks useful. The guide says that it will update the dtb file which the extlinux points to.

Does that mean that the full pinmux is now in the DTB? I have read that the pinmux cfg is read by the MB1 bootloader. Thats required because it is loaded before the rootfs. Thus I expected that it was placed on one of the many partitions in the QSPI?

I was looking for a way to update the pinmux when doing a complete rootfs upgrade. Is that not necessary as all changes are in the dtb? I have configured the PINMUX_CONFIG while flashing. It points to a cfg file.

@KevinFFF My colleague has told me that there probably is a misunderstanding.

The tool you linked is used to configure the 40 pin header.
We’d like to modify the pinmux which is generated by the pinmux xlsx spreadsheet.

Yes, the jetson-io would generate the overlay dtb file according to what you modify.
For the whole pinmux, please use spreadsheet to generate related dtsi as this instruction.

It seems only full flash could update pinmux cfg.
Change boot pinmux settings without full flash - #4 by andrew.mank

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