pixelated image using nppiFilterGaussPyramidLayerUpBorder_32f_C1R

I’m working with NPP library to build laplacian and gaussian pyramid.
When I have to upsize the image the result is different using nppiResizeSqrPixel_32f_C1R or nppiFilterGaussPyramidLayerUpBorder_32f_C1R.
In the case of nppiFilterGaussPyramidLayerUpBorder_32f_C1R it gives pixelated image.

Npp16u* Device;
                Npp32f* gDevice32[liv], * rDevice32[livs], * lDevice32[liv];
		Npp32f* pGaussianKernel;
		int pitch[livs], primopitch;
                size_t   GaussianKernelBytes;
                NppiSize size, re_size;
	        NppiPoint punto;
                punto.x = 0;
	        punto.y = 0;
                upSize.x = 0;
	        upSize.y = 0;
	        downSize.x = 0;
	        downSize.y = 0;

		float* kernel;
		kernel = (float*)malloc(sizeof(float) * (2 * radius + 1));

                gaussian_kernel(kernel, sigma, radius);
		GaussianKernelBytes = (sizeof(float) * 2 * radius) + (1 * sizeof(float));
		CHECK_CUDA(cudaMalloc<Npp32f>(&pGaussianKernel, GaussianKernelBytes));
		CHECK_CUDA(cudaMemcpy(pGaussianKernel, kernel, GaussianKernelBytes, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice));

		device = nppiMalloc_16u_C1(width[0], height[0], &primopitch);
		rDevice32[0] = nppiMalloc_32f_C1(width[0], height[0], &pitch[0]);

		for (int i = 0; i < liv; i++)
			rDevice32[i + 1] = nppiMalloc_32f_C1(width[i + 1], height[i + 1], &pitch[i+1]);
			lDevice32[i] = nppiMalloc_32f_C1(width[i], height[i], &pitch[i]);
		        gDevice32[i] = nppiMalloc_32f_C1(width[i], height[i], &pitch[i]);
                step = sizeof(uint16_t) * width[0];
                CHECK_CUDA(cudaMemcpy2D(device, primopitch, image, step, step, height[0], cudaMemcpyHostToDevice));

                CHECK_NPP(nppiConvert_16u32f_C1R(device, primopitch, rDevice32[0], pitch[0], size));
		for (int i = liv - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                        factor = (double)(width[i]) / (double)width[i + 1];
		        size.height = height[i];
		        size.width = width[i];
		        re_size.height = height[i + 1];
		        re_size.width = width[i + 1];
                        CHECK_NPP(nppiFilterGaussPyramidLayerDownBorder_32f_C1R(rDevice32[i], (Npp32s)pitch[i], size, punto, rDevice32[i + 1], (Npp32s)pitch[i + 1], re_size, factor, (2 * radius) + 1, pGaussianKernel, NPP_BORDER_MIRROR));
                for(int i=liv-1;i>=0;i--)
		        factor = (double)width[i] / (double)width[i + 1];
		        size.height = height[i + 1];
		        size.width = width[i + 1];
		        re_size.height = height[i];
		        re_size.width = width[i];
		        CHECK_NPP(nppiFilterGaussPyramidLayerUpBorder_32f_C1R(rDevice32[i + 1], (Npp32s)pitch[i + 1], size, punto, gDevice32[i], (Npp32s)pitch[i], re_size, factor, (2 * radius + 1), pGaussianKernel, NPP_BORDER_MIRROR));	
		        CHECK_NPP(nppiSub_32f_C1R(gDevice32[i], pitch[i], rDevice32[i], pitch[i], lDevice32[i], pitch[i], re_size));
                 for (int i = liv - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                        size.height = height[i + 1];
			size.width = width[i + 1];
			re_size.height = height[i];
			re_size.width = width[i];
			CHECK_NPP(nppiFilterGaussPyramidLayerUpBorder_32f_C1R(rDevice32[i + 1], (Npp32s)pitch[i + 1], size, punto, rDevice32[i], (Npp32s)pitch[i], re_size, factor, (2 * radius + 1), pGaussianKernel, NPP_BORDER_MIRROR));
			CHECK_NPP(nppiAdd_32f_C1IR(lDevice32[i], pitch[i], rDevice32[i], pitch[i], re_size));

Hello Nespino,

I am encountering the same issue and the NPP documentation is quite laconic. I am not sure to understand how nppiFilterGaussPyramidLayerDownBorder is supposed to work.

Have you found a solution to your pixelated pyrUp? Did you use a conventional resize or some sinc convolution ?

Thanks in advance


I am doing a pyrDown, GaussianFilterthen pyrUpand the result (top image is pixelated). The second is a “reference” filter using my gaussian kernel in OpenCV and the last is the diff.
Images are grayscale 32f_C1 image displayed using false color