Plugging the output of a remap float3 into the albedo color of a OmniPbrbase spams the console and slows down create

Hello all,

I was playing around with the material graph a bit. I need the inverse of the gloss to plug into the roughness. Do see if this would work, I plugged the output of the remap into the Albedo Color input. This started spamming the console, and create became super sluggish. Disconnecting the remap node solved this.

is this a known issue? ( create 2022.3.0 beta)


2022-12-21 20:00:26 [Warning] [omni.hydra] Setting connection to parameter ‘a’ on shade node ‘usd::rtx_scope::/World/Looks/Canopy/remap::::Z73file_3A::Z36c_3A::trees::apps::omniverse::pkg::Z1Ecreate_2D2022_2E3_2E0::kit::mdl::core::mdl::nvidia::ZA6support_5Fdefinitions_2Emdl::remap(float3,float3,float3,float3,float3)((26))’ failed with return code: -3
2022-12-21 20:00:26 [Warning] [omni.hydra] Setting connection to parameter ‘diffuse_reflection_color’ on shade node ‘usd::rtx_scope::/World/Looks/Canopy/OmniPBRBase::::Z73file_3A::Z36c_3A::trees::apps::omniverse::pkg::Z1Ecreate_2D2022_2E3_2E0::kit::mdl::core::Base::Z05OmniPBRBase_2Emdl::OmniPBRBase(color,color,float,float,float,bool,color,float,bool,float,float,bool,float,color,float,float,float,float3,float3)((11))’ failed with return code: -3