Pre built gst-nvtrackers (especially IoU) source code, or Centroid tracker implementation

My platform is GPU and I am using DeepStream 6.1 with 8.2.5 TensorRT. Driver Version: 510.85.02.

My question is about Nv-Tracker plugin in Deepstream. I wonder is Nvidia provides source code of iou tracker or any other ones. I want to implement Centroid tracker to deepstream but there is not enough and beneficial resources for that.

I know that Nvidia provides API for implementing low-level tracker library ( link ). However, as you understand it is not easy implementing such a library without any solid example.

I will appreciate if you could help me to find source code(if its open for community) or implementation of Centroid Tracker in low level for deepstream (will be much better)

Thanks in advance !

The source code of IOU tracker is not provided. I cannot open the link you put above but seems you are refering Gst-nvtracker — DeepStream 6.1.1 Release documentation and this is the API for implementing customer’s tracker.

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Thank you for fast reply,

Yes U are right, I want to refer to this API, and I know that its for implementing custom tracker.

As a computer vision engineer, I have a little suggestion. I believe it would be better, if you could provide example about how to implement and use this API’s. It will definitely helps developers and ease their life.

We only have IOU/NvDCF/DeepSORT tracker. I will check if need add one source code example for customize tracker internally.

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Did you check it ? Please inform this topic in case of any update.

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We will not be supporting Centroid tracker per current roadmap and no plans to open source of the tracker as of now