present() intrinsic does not function properly

%begin code snippet
subroutine inter3z(fig)

logical, optional, intent(in) :: fig

if(present(fig)) then

%end code snippet

This code takes the branch for present(fig) = .true. even when no arguments were supplied!

I have verified this using pfg90 v5.2-4 with flags
-g -Mbounds -Mdclchk -Mchkfpstk
on RHEL3.0, Intel Pentium 4/Xeon.


The problem is that the optional argument is getting assigned a value. To fix, you need to add an interface so that the caller recognizes that fig is optional.


      program present_tester

! Comment out the interface to recreate the problem
         subroutine present_test(fig)
            character, optional, intent(in) :: fig
         end subroutine present_test
      end interface

      call present_test()
      call present_test('a')

      end program present_tester

      subroutine present_test(fig)
      character, optional, intent(in) :: fig
      if (present(fig)) then
         write(*,*) 'Is Present ', fig
         write(*,*) 'Not Present'
      end if
      end subroutine present_test

Hope this helps,