Probing metrics from Gst-nvtracker

I am using the Gst-nvtracker plug-in in a python deepstream pipeline and I would like to get some output of the trackers internal metrics (i.e. the filter state , the current similarity distance etc) for each patch. Is it possible to access these metrics without having to modify the tracker library itself?

No. Here is what nvtracker can report to application: Gst-nvtracker — DeepStream documentation

How can the tracker then effectively be tuned? For example, despite having the REID option set and re-association enabled, it still loses patches, which disappear for 10-30 frames due to occlusion.

Manually looking at the embeddings that the tracker is using, I can see that there is very good similarity for patches beeing tracked before the occlusion and after, but it still assigns a new ID.

Also , related to this, is the low level tracker even open source? If so, where is the repository.

Anything? It is really hard to tune the tracker, when there is no way to examine the metrics it computes for new track generation, track cancecalltion etc. .

We have Pipetuner for tuning nvtracker here. You can have a try with Pipetuner for your use case.: Pipetuner Guide — DeepStream documentation