Problem building Cuda SDK Samples with Visual studio 2010 and CUDA 4.0 RC2


now i’m finally able to build and run my own CUDA code with Visual Studio 2010 and Cuda 4.0 RC2, but i’m struggling to make the sdk samples work.

Of course i can run them thanks to “Nvidia GPU Computing SDK Browser” but when i want to open a project and build it myself, i’ve got :

It seems the program is using the v3.2 of cuda, which i have thanks to a “complete installation” of the 4.0 toolkit (i think) but anyway, what’s wrong ? Someone did open successfully convolutionFFT2D_vs2010.vcxproj and build and run ?

nvcc fatal : Value ‘2010’ is not defined for option ‘cl-version’

You probably downloaded the wrong SDK, that’s why it’s still using 3.2 nvcc.

Well SDK 4.0 and 64 bits … I have “NVIDIA GPU Computing SDK 4.0 Browser”. I’ll try to reinstall though.

edit : i reinstalled it, same error

edit 2 : if i select “v90” in “Platform Toolset” i can nearly build it, but i have another error “1>LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file ‘cutil64D.lib’” whereas i did install cuda toolkit 64 bits and it work for my own code or other example I found …

Ok, I had to open the project for VS2008 and build it, then I had cutil64d.lib, then I was able to build the VS2010 project … weird.
Did I do something wrong ?