Problem in cuda mem copy

CCTStatusType CCellSet::CalculateOnCell()
CCTStatusType Status = CCT_NOERR;

CGridBox TotalGridBox	= m_BoundingBox;
Integer TotalCells		= TotalGridBox.m_GridSize.x * TotalGridBox.m_GridSize.y * TotalGridBox.m_GridSize.z;
CellInfoAll * a_CellInfoAll = new CellInfoAll[TotalCells];

Integer * ParticleID_New  = new Integer[m_ParticleNum];
Scalar3 * ParticlePos_new = new Scalar3[m_ParticleNum];
Scalar * ParticleDen_new  = new Scalar[m_ParticleNum];
memset(ParticleDen_new,0,m_ParticleNum * sizeof(Scalar));

Status = CudaSafeCall(cudaMemcpy(ParticleID_New, m_daParticleID,m_ParticleNum * sizeof(Integer), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost));

Status = CudaSafeCall(cudaMemcpy(ParticlePos_new, m_daParticlePosition,m_ParticleNum * sizeof(Scalar3), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost));

Status = CudaSafeCall(cudaMemcpy(m_haCellStart,m_dCellStart,TotalCells * sizeof(Integer),cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost));

Status = CudaSafeCall(cudaMemcpy(m_haCellEnd,m_dCellEnd,TotalCells * sizeof(Integer),cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost));

Integer maxCellNumber = 0 ;
for(int i = 0 ; i < TotalCells ; i++)
	Integer particlesInCell = 0;
	if(m_haCellStart[i] != 0xffffffff)
		int particleIDInCell = 0 ;
		a_CellInfoAll[i].m_CellParticleNumber = 0 ;
		int cellSize = m_haCellEnd[i] - m_haCellStart[i];
		std::cout<<"particleInCell: " << cellSize<<"\n";
		for(int j = m_haCellStart[i] ; j < m_haCellEnd[i] ; j++)
			a_CellInfoAll[i].m_aCellParticleID[particleIDInCell] = j;
		a_CellInfoAll[i].m_CellParticleNumber = 0;

//Division Starts
Integer GridNum = 2;
for(int GridId = 0 ; GridId < GridNum ; GridId++)
	//Integer GridId = 1;
	//CGridBox TotalGridBox = m_BoundingBox;
	Integer3 MyGridSize			= m_BoundingBox.m_GridSize;
	MyGridSize.x				= m_BoundingBox.m_GridSize.x / GridNum;
	m_BoundingBox.m_GridSize	= MyGridSize;

	//Integer TotalCells				  = TotalGridBox.m_GridSize.x * TotalGridBox.m_GridSize.y * TotalGridBox.m_GridSize.z;
	m_GridParams.m_ComputeCellIdStart = TotalCells / GridNum * GridId;
	m_GridParams.m_ComputeCellIdEnd	  = TotalCells / GridNum * (GridId + 1);

	Integer BufferCellNum				= 1 * TotalGridBox.m_GridSize.y * TotalGridBox.m_GridSize.z;

	m_GridParams.m_BufferedCellIdStart	= m_GridParams.m_ComputeCellIdStart - BufferCellNum < 0 ? 0 : m_GridParams.m_ComputeCellIdStart - BufferCellNum ;
	m_GridParams.m_BufferedCellIdEnd	= m_GridParams.m_ComputeCellIdEnd   + BufferCellNum > TotalCells ? TotalCells : m_GridParams.m_ComputeCellIdEnd + BufferCellNum;
	m_CellNum							= m_GridParams.m_BufferedCellIdEnd  - m_GridParams.m_BufferedCellIdStart;

	m_GridParams.m_LeftGhostCellNum		= m_ID  > 0 ? BufferCellNum * 2 : 0;
	m_GridParams.m_LeftGhostCellEnd		= m_GridParams.m_ComputeCellIdStart + m_GridParams.m_LeftGhostCellNum;
	m_GridParams.m_RightGhostCellNum	= m_ID < GridNum-1 ? BufferCellNum * 2 : 0;
	m_GridParams.m_RightGhostCellStart	= m_GridParams.m_ComputeCellIdEnd - m_GridParams.m_RightGhostCellNum;
	//Devision Ends

	//Allocate Device Memory
	m_TotalCellsFor1			=   m_GridParams.m_BufferedCellIdEnd - m_GridParams.m_BufferedCellIdStart;
	//Memory Allocation for Host
	m_haCellInfoAll	=	new CellInfoAll[m_TotalCellsFor1];
	//Memory Allocation for Device
	Status = CudaSafeCall(cudaMalloc((void**)&m_daCellInfoAll,m_TotalCellsFor1 * sizeof(CellInfoAll)));

	//Memory Copy to Host
	memcpy(m_haCellInfoAll, a_CellInfoAll /*+ m_GridParams.m_BufferedCellIdStart*/, m_TotalCellsFor1 * sizeof(CellInfoAll));
	//Memory Copy to Device
	Status = CudaSafeCall(cudaMemcpy(m_daCellInfoAll,m_haCellInfoAll, m_TotalCellsFor1 * sizeof(CellInfoAll), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice));


Status = ParticleDeviceToHost();

/*Test Code for Calculation based on Cell Ends*/
return CCT_NOERR;

This is the part of a code in which i am trying to copy m_haCellInfoAll value to m_daCellInfoAll. But the value is not copied. Ca you please suggest me the problem