Problem in Release compile not in EmuDebug Advisory: Cannot tell what pointer point

//C code(hello.cpp):

typedef struct g_states_t 


	int i; 

	struct g_states_t *pnext;


typedef struct ST


	g_states_t **cur;

	g_states_t *ctx[4];


void setstates(ST *ps, g_states_t states[4])


	for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)


  ps->ctx[i] = &states[i];



void main(int argc, char * argv[])


	g_states_t states[4] = 


  {400, &states[1]},

  {401, &states[2]},

  {402, &states[3]},

  {403, &states[0]}


	ST s1, *ps1;

	ps1 = &s1;

	setstates(ps1, states);

	ps1->ctx[2]->i = 123;

	ps1->ctx[2]->pnext = &states[0];

	ps1->ctx[3]->pnext->i = 456;

	printf("%d\n", ps1->ctx[2]->i);//ok,output:123

	printf("%d\n", ps1->ctx[2]->pnext->i);//ok,output:456

	printf("%d\n", ps1->ctx[3]->pnext->i);////ok,output:456




//GPU code(

typedef struct g_states_t 


	int i; 

	struct g_states_t *pnext;


typedef struct ST


	g_states_t **cur;

	g_states_t *ctx[4];



void setstates(ST *ps, g_states_t states[4])


	for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)


  ps->ctx[i] = &states[i];




void kernel()


	g_states_t states[4] = 


  {400, &states[1]},

  {401, &states[2]},

  {402, &states[3]},

  {403, &states[0]}


	ST s1, *ps1;

	ps1 = &s1;

	setstates(ps1, states);

	ps1->ctx[2]->i = 123;//err

	ps1->ctx[2]->pnext = &states[0];//err

	ps1->ctx[3]->pnext->i = 456;//err



When compile the GPU code in Release mode,prompt:

1>------ 已启动生成: 项目: cu_blank_forTest, 配置: Release Win32 ------





1>“E:\MYWIND~1\TEMP/tmpxft_00001ae8_00000000-8.i”, line 43: Advisory: Cannot tell what pointer points to, assuming global memory space

1>“E:\MYWIND~1\TEMP/tmpxft_00001ae8_00000000-8.i”, line 44: Advisory: Cannot tell what pointer points to, assuming global memory space

1>“E:\MYWIND~1\TEMP/tmpxft_00001ae8_00000000-8.i”, line 45: Advisory: Cannot tell what pointer points to, assuming global memory space

1>“E:\MYWIND~1\TEMP/tmpxft_00001ae8_00000000-8.i”, line 45: Advisory: Cannot tell what pointer points to, assuming global memory space






1>cu_blank_forTest - 0 个错误,0 个警告

========== 生成: 1 已成功, 0 已失败, 0 最新, 0 已跳过 ==========

What’s the reason, please?

When you have pointers to pointers, the compiler can’t know whether they point to global or shared memory. There is no way in CUDA 1.1 to tell it one way or another, so you have to live with the warnings.

typedef struct g_states_t 


int i; 

struct g_states_t *pnext;


typedef struct ST


g_states_t **cur;

g_states_t *ctx[4];


__global__ void



	g_states_t states[4] = 


 Â {400, &states[1]},

 Â {401, &states[2]},

 Â {402, &states[3]},

 Â {403, &states[0]}


	ST s1, *ps1;

	ps1 = &s1;

	//setstates(ps1, states);



	ps1->ctx[0] = &states[0];

	ps1->ctx[1] = &states[1];

	ps1->ctx[2] = &states[2];

	ps1->ctx[3] = &states[3];


	//[B], error

// Â for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)

// Â {

// Â Â ps1->ctx[i] = &states[i];

// Â }


 Â ps1->ctx[2]->i = 123;

 Â ps1->ctx[2]->pnext = &states[0];

 Â ps1->ctx[3]->pnext->i = 456;


采用for循环的方式的时候,就同调用setstates()å‡½æ•°ä¸€æ ·,出现编译错误.


Release mode:

When use for loop to init (part [B]),like use setstates(),prompt the same err.

But when I use the part [A], there’s no err,faint.

What’s the difference between A and B, Why?