Problem installing GA Nverse3D

I am trying to install - GANverse3D, an Omniverse extension that enables creators to take 2D photos and create 3D models. I followed these instructions.
GANverse3D can be easily installed to an existing Omniverse application through the Extension Manager.

  1. Bring up the Extension Manager by selecting Window->Extensions.
  2. Search for “aitoybox”. Select the aitoybox.ganverse3d extension and click the Install button. (this may take a few minutes, depending on your connection speed)
  3. Enable the extension by clicking on the toggle icon to bring up the GANverse3D main window.
    Cannot find aitoybox. Need help.

Hello @osmondtqet6! What Omniverse Application and version are you trying to install this extension on? I was able to install and load this extension on Create 2022.3.0

  1. Thanks for your response. I was able to install the GANverse3D Extension — Omniverse Extensions …!&&p=6244aaeeec9c4e9eJmltdHM9MTY2OTY4MDAwMCZpZ3VpZD0xZDQ3YWFmYS01MDUyLTZkYjMtMDIwYy1iODlmNTE0YjZjNzUmaW5zaWQ9NTE3OA&ptn=3&hsh=3&fclid=1d47aafa-5052-6db3-020c-b89f514b6c75&psq=nvidia+ganverse3d&u=a1aHR0cHM6Ly9kb2NzLm9tbml2ZXJzZS5udmlkaWEuY29tL3Byb2RfZXh0ZW5zaW9ucy9wcm9kX2V4dGVuc2lvbnMvZXh0X2dhbnZlcnNlM2QuaHRtbA&ntb=1, however it presently does not work with human photos. I want to convert a 2D picture of a human to a 3D model. N example is provided by Nvidia but it does not explain how it was done. Please look at this link:

at the end of the video it says how the image works with omniverse but not how the 3D images were made, what software used? Was it done in and by Nvidia or was outside software used? In any case let me know hoe to convert my image like theirs. Thanks for your help.
