problem using pgif90 with blacs and scalapack


I am trying to link a MPI program with scalapack and blacs library;
all object files and libs are 64-bit.

/software/pgi/linux86-64/6.0/bin/mpif90 -o ./lapw1c_mpi lopw.o abc.o atpar.o bandv1.o calkpt.o cbcomb.o coors.o cputim.o dblr2k.o dgeqrl.o dgewy.o dgewyg.o dlbrfg.o dsbein1.o dscgst.o dstebz2.o dsyevx2.o dsymm2.o dsyr2m.o dsyrb4.o dsyrb5l.o dsyrdt4.o dsytrd2.o dsywyv.o dsyxev4.o dvbes1.o eisps.o errclr.o errflg.o forfhs.o gaunt1.o gaunt2.o gbass.o gtfnam.o hamilt.o hns.o horb.o inikpt.o inilpw.o lapw1.o latgen.o lmsort.o locdef.o lohns.o matmm.o modules.o nn.o outerr.o outwin.o pdsyevx16.o prtkpt.o prtres.o pzheevx16.o rdswar.o rint13.o rotate.o rotdef.o seclit.o seclr4.o seclr5.o select.o service.o setkpt.o setwar.o sphbes.o stern.o tapewf.o ustphx.o vectf.o warpin.o wfpnt.o wfpnt1.o ylm.o zhcgst.o zheevx2.o zhemm2.o zher2m.o zhetrd2.o pdsyr2m.o pzher2m.o -Mscalapack -lacml
/usr/bin/ld: warning: i386 architecture of input file /software/pgi/linux86-64/6.0/lib/blacs_MPI-LINUX-0.a(BI_BlacsAbort.)' is incompatible with i386:x86-64 output /usr/bin/ld: warning: i386 architecture of input file /software/pgi/linux86-64/6.0/lib/blacs_MPI-LINUX-0.a(BI_BuffIsFree.)’ is incompatible with i386:x86-64 output

Hi haunschmid,

Thank you for the report. This is a known issue with our 6.0-2 CDK release. Unfortunately, a few 32-bit objects were included in our 64-bit BLACS library during the final build of the CDK. We do appologize for this and will be releasing a patch here shortly which will include a corrected library. Until then, you’ll need to either compile using the 32-bit compilers or download and compile your own BLACS library (found at BLACS)
