Problem with Closest Pair algorithm implementation

Hello. I am trying to make a cuda program work (closest pair brute force) but there seems to be a weird behavior and i cannot trace the problem. The problem is that although the program works for less than 65K elements (confirmed results), If i get it over this the gpu seems to crash(driver restarts) and ofc i get wrong results. The problem seems to be when the program is launched with less blockDim.x * gridDim.x than the number of elements, meaning the stride wont fit the elements in one step. I also get The code is here: (dont mind the __syncthreads() i used most for testing.

__global__ void compare_points_BF( unsigned long long *dev_count, float *gbl_min_dist, point *dev_P) {

   unsigned int tid = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
   unsigned int stride = blockDim.x * gridDim.x;
   unsigned int cache_index, current_block, grid_offset = 0;
   float local_dist, local_min = * gbl_min_dist;
   point temp;
   __shared__ point cache[BLOCK_SIZE];

   while (tid < N){
	//Each thread compares its onwn point with the onward rest points.
	temp.x = dev_P[tid].x;
	temp.y = dev_P[tid].y;

	//cached blocks of P array stored in shared memory as cache[], current_block corresponds to P's cached sub-array
	for ( current_block = blockIdx.x + (grid_offset * gridDim.x); current_block < BLOCKS; current_block++){
  	    //check for boundaries violation within each current block
	    if (current_block * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x < N){
	       //fetch data from GLOBAL memory to SHARED memory
	       //coalesced memory access
	       cache[threadIdx.x] = dev_P[current_block * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x];
	    // synchronize threads in this block
	    //get the beginning of the cached block or the next point if it is a comparison on the same block, check boundaries of index
	   for ( current_block == blockIdx.x + (grid_offset * gridDim.x) ? cache_index = threadIdx.x+1 : cache_index=0; 
	       (cache_index < blockDim.x) && (current_block * blockDim.x + cache_index) < N; 
		atomicAdd( dev_count, 1);
		//calculate distance of current points
		local_dist = (cache[cache_index].x - temp.x) * (cache[cache_index].x - temp.x) +
								(cache[cache_index].y - temp.y) * (cache[cache_index].y - temp.y);
		//Determine the minimum numeric value of the arguments
		if (local_dist < local_min)
			local_min = local_dist;
		atomicMin(gbl_min_dist, local_min);
	   //atomicMin(gbl_min_dist, local_min);
           //sync for each block
      //for Arbitrarily P[] Length
      tid += stride;
      grid_offset ++;

I have overload the atomicADD() for floats, do I have to do the same for atomicCAS() ?

Your algorithm is very inefficient, but it sounds from your introduction that you know this and are just using it as an example for CUDA.

You do have some undefined behaviors with your use of syncthreads(). There are cases when your threads may be diverged, yet you call syncthreads(), which will not behave well in general.

But without looking at every line of code, the mere fact that small examples run with no failure and larger examples suddenly all fail may simply be due to the watchdog timer aborting the kernel when it takes too long to run.
Are you using the GPU for display, how long do your (failed) kernels take to run, and are you looking at the error return codes of the kernel?

Hi and thanks for replying. I have already increased t he watchdog timer.
I get “first chance exceptions”:
First-chance exception at 0x000007fefdca9e5d (KernelBase.dll) in Closest_Pair_cuda_sharedvar.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: cudaError_enum at memory location 0x001ff640…
First-chance exception at 0x000007fefdca9e5d (KernelBase.dll) in Closest_Pair_cuda_sharedvar.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: cudaError_enum at memory location 0x001ff640…
First-chance exception at 0x000007fefdca9e5d (KernelBase.dll) in Closest_Pair_cuda_sharedvar.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: [rethrow] at memory location 0x00000000…
First-chance exception at 0x000007fefdca9e5d (KernelBase.dll) in Closest_Pair_cuda_sharedvar.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: cudaError_enum at memory location 0x001ff640…
and many more.
Is it due to syncthreads usage? I have edited my initial post to show what syncthreads i used.
The problem seems to be when tid changes meaning that the blocks launched are not enough to cover the data in 1 step. I am really confused this bug is getting on me a week or so…

I did some modification and raised the TDR time and I am getting correct results. :) Thanks