problem with decoder H265 video file with Gstreamer with TX2

Hi , I am trying to use GStreamer to decode H265 video files via RTP, send to for test purpose. my reference is Gstreamer pipelines for Jetson TX2 - RidgeRun Developer Connection

I tried the following on TX2, demo_fullhd_10mbps.hevc is H265 video file

client window:

gst-launch-1.0 udpsrc port=5000 caps =“application/x-rtp,encoding-name=H265,payload=96,a-framerate=(string)30” ! rtph265depay ! queue ! h265parse ! omxh265dec ! nvoverlaysink sync=false async=false -e

server window:

gst-launch-1.0 filesrc location=/home/nvidia/demo_fullhd_10mbps.hevc ! h265parse ! rtph265pay mtu=1400 ! udpsink host= port=5000 sync=false async=false

But looks like client decode had some problems, the play speed on the client is very fast. and the framerate seems incorrect. And the video quality is also poor, lots of mosaic.

Could you help to point out that how to decode the H265 files via RTP? Are there any problem about my commands on server and client?


client ouput

NvMMLiteOpen : Block : BlockType = 279
TVMR: NvMMLiteTVMRDecBlockOpen: 7907: NvMMLiteBlockOpen
NvMMLiteBlockCreate : Block : BlockType = 279
TVMR: cbBeginSequence: 1223: BeginSequence 1920x1088, bVPR = 0
TVMR: LowCorner Frequency = 180000
TVMR: cbBeginSequence: 1622: DecodeBuffers = 5, pnvsi->eCodec = 10, codec = 9
TVMR: cbBeginSequence: 1693: Display Resolution : (1920x1080)
TVMR: cbBeginSequence: 1694: Display Aspect Ratio : (1920x1080)
TVMR: cbBeginSequence: 1762: ColorFormat : 5
TVMR: cbBeginSequence:1776 ColorSpace = NvColorSpace_YCbCr601
TVMR: cbBeginSequence: 1904: SurfaceLayout = 3
TVMR: cbBeginSequence: 2005: NumOfSurfaces = 12, InteraceStream = 0, InterlaceEnabled = 0, bSecure = 0, MVC = 0 Semiplanar = 1, bReinit = 1, BitDepthForSurface = 8 LumaBitDepth = 8, ChromaBitDepth = 8, ChromaFormat = 5
TVMR: cbBeginSequence: 2007: BeginSequence ColorPrimaries = 5, TransferCharacteristics = 5, MatrixCoefficients = 5
Allocating new output: 1920x1088 (x 12), ThumbnailMode = 0
OPENMAX: HandleNewStreamFormat: 3464: Send OMX_EventPortSettingsChanged : nFrameWidth = 1920, nFrameHeight = 1088
TVMR: FrameRate = 2109
TVMR: NVDEC LowCorner Freq = (576000 * 1024)
TVMR: FrameRate = 79.110169
TVMR: FrameRate = 59.005753
^Chandling interrupt.
Interrupt: Stopping pipeline …
EOS on shutdown enabled – Forcing EOS on the pipeline
Waiting for EOS…
TVMR: NvMMLiteTVMRDecDoWork: 6768: NVMMLITE_TVMR: EOS detected
TVMR: TVMRBufferProcessing: 5723: Processing of EOS
TVMR: TVMRBufferProcessing: 5800: Processing of EOS Done
Got EOS from element “pipeline0”.
EOS received - stopping pipeline…
Execution ended after 0:00:12.905065462
Setting pipeline to PAUSED …
Setting pipeline to READY …
TVMR: TVMRFrameStatusReporting: 6369: Closing TVMR Frame Status Thread -------------
TVMR: TVMRVPRFloorSizeSettingThread: 6179: Closing TVMRVPRFloorSizeSettingThread -------------
TVMR: TVMRFrameDelivery: 6219: Closing TVMR Frame Delivery Thread -------------
TVMR: NvMMLiteTVMRDecBlockClose: 8105: Done
Setting pipeline to NULL …
Freeing pipeline .

For rtsp, please refer to