Problem with Python Ping Codelet Demo

I downloaded SDK 2020.1 and deployed the ping_python tutorial on JEtson AGX Xavier , how ever when i am using my desktop via ssh to acccess Xavier and run the python script , i am getting this error.

I have already installed dependencies on Jetson , even that is resulting in errors.

(most recent call last):
File “/home/xavier/deploy/octobotics/ping_python-pkg/apps/tutorials/ping_python/”, line 11, in
from engine.pyalice import *
File “/home/xavier/deploy/octobotics/ping_python-pkg/engine/pyalice/”, line 13, in
from . import Message
File “/home/xavier/deploy/octobotics/ping_python-pkg/engine/pyalice/”, line 12, in
from numpy import array, ndarray
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'numpy

Hello @Ish,
did you manage to solve this issue?
I have the same problem, running the Python Ping Codelet Demo on my desktop PC…
Thank you!!

Yes , i was able to solve the issue , pls download miniconda or anaconda , setup Python 3.6 as your environment , than activate myenv , so that you are in Python 3.6 shell .

Than execute the above script , it should run.

Pls do let me know , if your issue is resolved.