Progress bar for flashing command process

hello Nvidia team,
we are using jetson orin nano 8GB SOM with custom carrier board with 36.3L4T,

  1. we have requirement to show the progress bar while flashing, is provide us the command or possible way to show the progress of flashing,

  2. is there is any way to create .img for nvme storage as same as SD card?

currently we use this command to flash

sudo ./tools/kernel_flash/ --external-device nvme0n1p1 \
  -c tools/kernel_flash/flash_l4t_t234_nvme.xml -p "-c bootloader/generic/cfg/flash_t234_qspi.xml" \
  --showlogs --network usb0 jetson-orin-nano-devkit internal

Hi bharath.gk,

Do you mean the progress bar on the host during flash?
If so, it seems a custom requirement and you should implement it manually.
Normally, we would just check the flash log for flashing progress with detailed information.

Sorry that it is not valid to use single .img file for external NVMe SSD.
But you can refer to backup/restore tool to create the package to flash into NVMe SSD. They are few .img in the backup package.

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ok thank you @KevinFFF .