put a kernel inside a shared library

is it possible to compile a kernel in a shared library and run it using dlopen ?

Actually i compiled the following code

nvcc -c test.cu

#include <stdio.h>

extern void test(int a, int b);

__global__ void kernel(int N, float *g_data, float *g_result, int *statArray);

extern __global__ void kernel(int N, float *g_data, float *g_result, int *statArray)


	int n = threadIdx.x + blockDim.x*blockIdx.x;


		g_result[n] = g_data[n]*g_data[n];


extern void test(int a, float *b, float *c, int *d)





Now i should compile the .o file as a shared library, but if I do it with gcc i get the following errors:

Undefined symbols:

  "_cudaSetupArgument", referenced from:

	  ___device_stub__Z6kerneliPfS_Pi in test.o

	  ___device_stub__Z6kerneliPfS_Pi in test.o

	  ___device_stub__Z6kerneliPfS_Pi in test.o

	  ___device_stub__Z6kerneliPfS_Pi in test.o

  "___cudaUnregisterFatBinary", referenced from:

	  ___cudaUnregisterBinaryUtil in test.o

  "_cudaConfigureCall", referenced from:

	  test(int, float*, float*, int*)in test.o

  "___cudaRegisterFunction", referenced from:


_test_cpp1_ii_85ce6c63 in test.o

  "___gxx_personality_v0", referenced from:

	  ___gxx_personality_v0$non_lazy_ptr in test.o

  "_cudaLaunch", referenced from:

	  cudaError cudaLaunch<char>(char*)in test.o

  "___cudaRegisterFatBinary", referenced from:


_test_cpp1_ii_85ce6c63 in test.o

ld: symbol(s) not found

collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

and if i try to use nvcc, it doesn’t know the -dynamiclib or -dylib options !!

there’s no CUDA linker, so this approach isn’t possible at the moment.

You can most certainly create a shared libarary that exports the test() function to be called. As tmurray pointed out, there is no way to call kernel() directly from outside of the current compilation unit.

The undefined references you are seeing (I’m guessing) is because you aren’t linking the shared libarary to cudart.