putting const data into .rodata?

Is there way to get pgcc to place const data into the .rodata section instead of .data? I’ve heard of compilers that support an option like this but couldn’t find anything in the PGI docs.

All other x86/Linux C compilers that I’ve used (Sun, GNU, Intel, LLVM, Open64) put const data into .rodata. For example:

regehr@john-home:~$ cat foo.c
const int x = 9;
regehr@john-home:~$ pgcc -fast -c foo.c
regehr@john-home:~$ pgsize foo.o
4 .data
20 .note
56 .debug_info
32 .rel.debug_info
20 .debug_abbrev
83 .debug_line
16 .rel.debug_line
13 .init
8 .rel.init
12 .comment
138 .shstrtab
240 .symtab
20 .strtab
662 Total
regehr@john-home:~$ gcc -O -c foo.c
regehr@john-home:~$ pgsize foo.o
4 .rodata
36 .comment
77 .shstrtab
144 .symtab
9 .strtab
270 Total
