I am having trouble understanding how to use PWM with an ESC to drive a motor. I have this ESC (Ezrun MAX10 ESC G2 - HOBBYWING North America) and am trying to use it with my Jetson Orin NX.
This is what I have done so far:
I have enabled the PWM in the 40 pin configuration and tried connecting this to my ESC and using the same pwm file (jetson-gpio/samples/simple_pwm.py at master · NVIDIA/jetson-gpio · GitHub) but nothing is happening.
The wiring is as follows. The ESC has a White, Red and Black wire. I connect the White wire to PIN 33 and the Black wire to ground. I do not connect the RED wire.
I also have a PCA9685 as and attempted to connect that via the i2c instead but also couldn’t figure it out or get any code to work that way.
Can anyone help me understand the correct wiring or code to get this ESC working with my ESC?
I understand that some ESCs might have a sequence to work and I found this sequence that might work with my ESC (rpi_motor_controller/src/max_10.py at main · JordanKra/rpi_motor_controller · GitHub), however I don’t think I am even sending signals to my PWM at the moment.